What plan?
How Dare You Defy Me!!!! Muahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! >8D
I called you no such thing. You have been put in a cubard where no living soul can here you.
I'm sorry but I rule this thread so here you go.. You have been put in a oven at 650 degrees and you are made of plastic so you are now melting like the wicked witch of the west.
... right since you did not answer my question. ZAP!! You are now a bowl. Oh and tummer its not a drive its a spell get used to it.
... what is badass? and no this belongs in the spamzone bc its a challenge that involes not spamming
*Puts the coffee mug into a box full of spiders*
Silly Crono Lamps don't talk! >8D
You have failed aswell.. ZAP! Congrats you are now a coffee mug. Trigger is now a Tigger plush toy.
You failed.. ZZZZZZAAAAAPPPPPPP!!!!!! Congratulations you have been turned into a lamp.
Hi peeps, I'm bored so I thought I would chalange you. In this thread you must chat, but you must stay on topic, and the topic must be of the non-joking kind, and you cannot be spamy or random. First poster gets the choose the topic if I approve it.
Oh well I still think your sucky. Muahahahahaha!!! >8D
Aww.. *pats TBK on the head* Sucks to be you doesn't it?
Classical Gas by Mason Williams
lol, sorry if I have standards, and I'm taken.. >.>
grr.. No I do not want to make out with you.
1- Completely straight 2- Somewhat straight 3- Likes both, but moreso the opposite sex 4- Likes both equally 5- Likes both, but moreso the same sex 6- Somewhat gay 7- Completely gay
Banned for... disgracing my avatar!
Banned for being foolish. Muahahahahaha!!!
Rules: No suggestions, or extreme party music. Now Talk!!! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!! That is all.