When pickles have feet Are YOU the real Slim Shady?
i'd grab a grapling hook,a poket knife,and a shovel.I'd break a hole in the roof,throw the grapling hook at a 8 ft. tree,climb the rope,pull it up, climb down,and throw the open knife at the wolves to distract them making the vampires 'thirsty',and then run. You are the new chosen one to use the keyblade,what do you do?
when the clock stroke 13 Did you eat the pies!?
nether, i don't drink vodk@ you are on a seperated train car by yourself and you have 2 minuties until you crash and die,how will you escape? (Note: The train is going 250 mph)
*slices you with Dreamblade* thats for stealing the german crayons! What is stardust made of?
weeeeeeeell,considering the guy i like i hate,i'll slap him until he crys. ^^ You have to make a desion that will affect your past,present,and future. What is it,and what will you do?
Azzy (my nobody nickname,don`t ask)
^_^ Yay! More merchendise! Rofl I love the Kh snuggie!
Reading: Curtains by R.L. Stine-Great book so far...Kids go to theater camp for the summer,one girl I think has er....Problems with blood.Bringing back horrible memories of 3 years ago,she randomly yells things like "I DIDN'T DO IT!" or "It wasn't me!" I'm only on the 5th chapter,so I'm not very far..... ----- Finished: City of Dogs-I can't remember who wrote it :/, but great book.Dogs try and save the world from Regonroark (sp?), a natural disaster that will destroy the whole universe.Each of them go on different jouneys to save the world. Not saying anymore than that;) Final Grade by R.L. Stine-
Cant wait to buy it!!!!!
I'll try that!
Well,Tron was made in the 80's i think, thats about 20-30 years so,yeah
:mellow:sounds like music from Space Paraniods.....
Okay,i haven't made it yet,but it sounds cool i just need some ideas on how to make it blue. so far i have-Blue Kool-aid,a blue melted flavor-ice paket, and blue food dye mixed with water. Any ideas?
-_- stupid PSP broke. i'm so mad -_- why me WHYYYYY?!!!?!?!?
Video time! okay heres my idea. first watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd5L7b7Nfm0 Ven gets frozen.So around 10 years later,Sora becomes a heartless.So,what if Sora's soul went to Ven,and he became Roxas? Thats my idea.Its pretty simple. :dead: my eyes hurt.
I want this game so much! -_- why did my PSP have to break T-T
I have proof that Ven and Roxas are the same! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd5L7b7Nfm0 Ventus (lol he has a funny name :p ) gets frozen. He might have stayed frozen for 10 years, lost his memory,and was renamed Roxas. Wow,stuff makes more sense when you write it down.....
COOL! lolz im tha 13th person to post!