In the game? Ruby and Sapphire..and Emerald....if joo ish talking about the 1st region I would have to say............Bulbasaur <--- I dun know how to spells it :D
uhh how about this one.....Hello me is Emi I r from somewhere... problem too....xDDDDDD
Major Problem....I has no costume D:
It's Gooood :DDD
xDDDD I know *flips hair*
............Hi :D?
*stalks* do not mind me i am but a figment of your imagination o.o
*bites* Helllllllllloooooooo!!!!! :D
.....x333 Hello :33.....3
x333 I wish I were 14 too it's like the best age o.o....In my opinion xDDDD
Gawd I love it :OOOOO
I'm errr...uhhh...somebody who also luffs cookiez :DDD
I know :33 Fear Me~! Rawr
OOC: KK "Oh, I know how y- What!!!!!!??? Who did not give you breakfast!?" Haruka said " How dare they not feed you ....those wretched little bit- shouldn't be this angry hehe.....Tell me Miku-chan who did not feed you?"
OOC: That sucks x.x Haruka handed her a plate " Banana Flavored" she said cheerfully
"Ah~ These" she said bringing out one plate and showing her some
Riku was so hawt when he was dressed in all black. The blind Riku PWNS X333333
Haruka squinted a little. "Speak up Im really old" She said trying to imitate an old person as best as she could. "Nah, Im just playing hehe...Hi Miku, Im Haruka!"
"Do I scare you ?" Haruka asked playfully, slightly tugging on her hair