*stalks*.......*tags* You r it...*runs away, screaming like a little girl*
Hi~ Welcome to KHV ~ Omg! I am addicted to Twilight o.o ~ Play by the rules ~ HAVE FUN ~ MAKE LOTS AND LOTS OF FRIENDS ~ Post in the Spam Zone :DDDDD ~ RP- it's the new addiction :O
Yeah I know o.o I got that Email too....must be some chain message o.o
*joins you in being ******ed*
The man who can't be moved- The Script
*nods* Totally Agrrrrrreeee
Me are boredom....is you boreded too?......xDDD Transtalion: I am bored....are you bored too?
It's a new addiction o.o
Yeah the ending sucked o.o it was like they couldn't wait to end it o.o
Rp o.o.....*becomes an Rping zombie* I need to RP
xD kkk~~~~~
Ish it really that good :O? It looks good even if I'm just staring at the picture of it's bottle
.....x3......I like the name *~Memory~*...is it nice?
Yeah :3 and in ze Anime....I remember May refusing to choose a mudkip for her starter........and she chose Torchic instead
Eeeee >< ish hard x.x
Thanky:D.....I wants to RP
*confused*.....Are we talking about the games..or the anime :O?????????
????? ??????....why? Is it cuz I constantly change mah hair :oo