.............My life sucks...
All our lives are gone T___T
*emo* family day..............T_______________________________________________T
o.o................*ish only trying to be nice*.........
*nods* so true...
What the eff o.o........xD reincarnation much?
........................I don't know too..........T_T
26 Hows life?
Hows life?
Nick Jonas o.o?
My parents never take time to listen to me. Suppose my brother does something wrong and it wasn't my fault they would still point their fingers at me and get blamed for it. They never give me time to explain things. Sometimes, it's like I am not their daughter. Do they care about me if: 1. They go outside every night with their friends 2. Drink all the time 3. Shout at their children for no reason 4. Keep making me think I'm a mistake 5. Never help me in school but always expect me to get good grades 6. Barely spend time with their children Help me....what am I supposed to do?
Hey :D 23 ps. Agrred xDDDD
Being Random and saying Hi to people :D....HI ^-^
Honestly...it's the way you live your life that counts :D
you've watched it already :o?
....21......it must be fun
*agrees* xD......................
Omg watch this in you tube.....Achmed the dead terrorist..its F******* funny x.x
Oh...wow o.o Maybe she started thinking of Shinigamis are real....cuz it was her way of escaping the reality of pain I suggest you....talk to her parents or if it doesn't work try to talk to a doctor about it.....I'm sorry I'm not really good with this stuff....... ............maybe have a friendly talk as well? and kindly explain to her that she shouldn't be brought down by the past.....because others wouldn't want that for her
pffft~ *takes brain out* oh .....I forgot ..the brain is the control center of the body....and if it's gone....*dies*