I luff this pole o.o *points at pole* I will now name you....Stick......Be off and give light Stick
41 *huggles*
*runs faster* ahhh! *hits the post*
Diary of Anne Frank......
*runs runs runs away*
none at all
39.........I'm really sorry >.<
I...don't know...
You Scored as Kairi You are Kairi! Both Riku and Sora like Kairi but Riku has backed off and Kairi likes Sora. She cannot see Sora until he gets back from his adventure and same for Riku. Kairi is tired of being left out of the adventure and wants to go everywhere with Sora and Riku. She is pure hearted. Kairi 80% Riku 75% Roxas 65% Sora 50% Namine 40% Ansem the wise 30% Xemnas 25%
34 sorry....
I will be wearing all sorts of stuff with diff colors x.x
32 My dad just got mad at me for no reason again! - <-- that close to whipping me with a belt -_-
....pinky streeto.o?..I love THE SCRIPT FTW
I see........I'm a kid with abusive parents............>.<
*nods*......everyone does...
...............My family thinks I'm a mistake...
I know...I'm stupid...