My Friend was an avid fan :D ^-^
Just Posting for the sake of counting......139 :D
xDDDDD nice one >.>
....I dun wanna talk about about a cookie :D? *gives cookiez*
Gawd That's the best pic ever.... Epic much :D >.<
*does random cha cha dance* Everybody Cha Cha!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Kagura Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: Vampire Side: Neutral Appearance: Bio: Her family, which is mostly composed of vampires, were murdered by humans. She is neutral because she hated being different from everyone else. Her life is filled with emotional problems, sorrow and bad memories. Yet, she is cheerful at most times. Power/s: Illusions and Speed Personality: Cheerful but serious when it comes to battle. Played by: Emika (Emi :D) Sorry for the late entry :sweatdrop:
^-^ Hello :D
Yes x.x they do T_T
112.....gawd whenever I watch that stuff I just fall of my chair x.x..oh yeah I g2g *huggles* nice counting with you :D
It's alright..I need to go in 5 mins anyway >.< ..sorry if so
110 xDD kk..oh in youtube you should watch Achmed the Dead Terrorist
Oh...........It's ok I get that alot ^-^;;
108.....jealous? =p
cuz I'll finally be high school >>?....and my cuz said so x.x oh yeah in case u were wondering the educational standards in this country is different...
You got me there..........I may change it from time to time.....
xD 106....kk our school will start again this Monday.....why does sembreak end so fast x.x
104.....that sucks you need to rest.....
sometimes.......who knows >.>?
102...15 more minutes