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  1. Agent.T
    Trust me that kind of compliment is normal...For me anyway ^_^ I mean my friend literally plucked a little in the middle and a little round the edges...Not much was done to them xDD "Pretty Princess Robella" Like 3 people call me that ^_^ Though one of them also calls me sheep x3 Anyway if I could share my eyebrows with you I would~ Sadly I can't D: Nut honestly I don't think you need my eyebrows ^_^ you're plenty pretty without 'em :)
    Post by: Agent.T, May 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. Agent.T
  3. Agent.T
    Aww thanks ^_^ I look so feminine (apparently) It's kind of funny, I'm a guy yet I've had women being jealous of various things...Though the most common is the eyelashes and eyebrows xDD it's odd ^_^
    Post by: Agent.T, May 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Agent.T
  5. Agent.T
    :D Thank you so much ^_^

    "The Happy Camper!"
    Does that sound okay? :3
    Post by: Agent.T, May 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. Agent.T
  7. Agent.T
    D: I'm sorry I completely missed that 3: Would it be okay for me to join in? I just read the rules another time to be sure I didn't miss anything else :3

    Name: Travis
    Self Proclaimed Title: (Something you call yourself)
    Username: Agent.T
    Type Chosen: Normal
    Sprite Picture:
    HM Slave:
    Game Cartridge: Pokemon Leaf Green
    Roster: Bulbasaur
    Location: Pallet Town
    Post by: Agent.T, May 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. Agent.T
    Ah thankyou berry much ^_^ It was done for a friends art project but I liked the picture~ ^_^
    Marth is amazing! :3
    Post by: Agent.T, May 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Agent.T
    This sounds like fun! :D Question though. Say I were to play through as a normal type gym leader would dual types count? For example Pidgey - Normal/Flying
    Post by: Agent.T, May 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. Agent.T
    [*color=#4169E1]▦ Username:Agent.T[/color][*color=#4169E1] Cereal: Cocopops![/color][*color=#4169E1] Facts: I very much enjoy cereal, it helps us and I wish to return that favour by protecting against all cereal killers~! Also I'm cute and fluffy and make a gret pet >.>[/color](Tell us about yourself! what do you have to contribute to the alliance?)
    Post by: Agent.T, May 21, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Agent.T
    I see all you pretty peoples looking pretty pretty~ <3 And a pretty pairing that appears to involve chicken~

    I'm a pretty princess!
    View attachment 32085
    Post by: Agent.T, May 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. Agent.T
    ^_^ Aha thank you so much for that ^_^ I think it is now fixeded ^_^ Thanks so much for the help Kelly <3

    Hey Jay ^_^ I'm sure it'll get to that point very soon :) I mean I was up til 4 in the morning last night just talking to Dinny and poking around the forum xDD So yeah there goes "LIfe outside the internet" :3 It's nice to meet you ^_^ Just friends? I thought it seemed more like one big family really :3 And thanks for the offer but I think the signature is sorted :D But really thanks for the offer I appreciate it~ ^_^ <3
    Post by: Agent.T, May 21, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. Agent.T
    The sky! :D Seems the staff have pretty good competition ^_^ My signature is kind messy but *signs* YAY! *skips* I'm satisfied to sell my soul to you ^_^ Nice to meet ya Soap ^_^

    Hey strfruit! ^_^ It's nice to be art of the community ^_^ I'm already having fun and meeting people but thanks ^_^ I shall ee y around the forums ^_^ It's a pleasure to meet you~

    Aww thanks berry much ^_^ Nice to meet you too Kelly ^_^ Yeah :3 Dinny seems great and everyone else seems seems nice and friendly too :3 The signature was bothering me...I reuploaded it so many times but it just goes tiny again, was there some kind of really obvious trick that I'm missing? x3 See ya around the forum~ And once again it's berry nice to meet you ^_^
    Post by: Agent.T, May 21, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. Agent.T
    Dinnysaur! Rawr~ <3

    I'm gonna be cliche...Impressionses?
    What is life like as a Dinnysaur?
    If 1 potato makes 13 tomatoes, how many potatoes in a banana?
    So you're faced in front of a cross road, the road to the left leads to homeless guy, the road to the right leads to a double rainbow and down the middle is a homeless double rainbow...I don't know where I'm going with this but how cool is that scenario~?
    Post by: Agent.T, May 21, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. Agent.T
    Hey Flower ^_^ Nice to meet you :3 I shall be very safe while I'm having fun :3 Thanks you ^_^
    Post by: Agent.T, May 20, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. Agent.T
    You're not "Weak" or "Disconnected" What you are is "You" Everybody's different and we all react differently to different feelings, weather it seems it or not :)

    As for the whole love and crush thing...Honestly before my current relationship every single one of my previous ones had arisen from friendships, granted they didn't work out (Various reasons) but that just goes to show that friendship can be pretty similar to a crush. You don't need any physical desire for it to be a crush, simply the want to be with them, to make them happy. And love. Love develops from a crush, if things go well you find yourself becoming more attached and wanting to make your partner happy any way you can. Not necessarily physically, there is no law saying "If you love someone you will kiss them!" not at all. In fact being asexual generally means you'd compensate your desires in a more mental way as opposed to physically.

    Really though there is nothing wrong with you and there is nothing to worry about when you feel love you'll know you're feeling it :) trust me it left me a little baffled before I found it :) Best of luck and I hope this helped :)
    Post by: Agent.T, May 20, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  17. Agent.T
    It's gonna be okay, sometimes making friends isn't easy and sometimes losing them is easy. It's a part of life and you will make more and hopefully the bond will be harder to break :) And the others...You really should talk to them, let them hear your side of the story, if they choose not to listen then perhaps they weren't the best of friends...
    If you ever need or want to just talk or rant about things I'm more than happy to listen ^_^ sometimes just having someone to listen is really helpful and I could try to offer advice where I can. But for now the best thing I could say is "Don't give up!"
    Post by: Agent.T, May 20, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  18. Agent.T
    Fairy tail
    Mythical beasts
    Senses (Sight, sound, touch, taste and smell)
    Character study (Picking an existing character and writing a poem about them)

    Hmmmmmmm that's all the poetry ideas from the top of my head :)
    Post by: Agent.T, May 20, 2012 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  19. Agent.T
    Hehe Dinnysaur~ It's a pleasure to meet you Dinny ^_^

    Of course you can call me Travis :) Thanks a lot for the warm welcome ^_^ I'll be sure to hit you with a message :) Just to say hi ^_^ Though I can't promise a long conversation right now... 2:30 in the morning and I have to be wake i bout 4 and a half hours xDD

    Heya! Nice to meet you too Amaury ^_^ Thanks ^_^ By the look of the place there's plenty of fun to be had~ I don't think I have any questions but thanks for the offer ^_^

    Premium member huh? So it's kind of like voluntary work huh? That sounds like fun ^_^

    Hi Kyle! :3 It's nice to meet you too :) I guess Kyle DOES sound kind of like Axel...That's pretty cool :D And I have that memmorised!
    Post by: Agent.T, May 20, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. Agent.T
    My my, it would appear that rabble rousers are rousing rabble again. I do wonder what rabble it is being roused by rabble rousers who rouse their rabble in arousing manners of rabble.

    Also staff! I LOVE YOU TOO!
    Post by: Agent.T, May 20, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone