D: Shame we never got the chance to chat or anything! Come back to us some day! :D I wish you all the best in college ^_^
Sounds like fun ^_^ May I join? Name: Justin Romeo age: 15 apperence: I apologise in advance...Graphic art isn't really my thing View attachment 32227 Prep or rebel: Prep year: 5th Parents: Peter And Charlene Romeo Siblings: N/A
I literally just looked NaNoWriMo up on googl...It sounds like so much fun ^_^ I think I'll give it a go when it comes around ^_^
D: So I live in the UK...In store there's not even a mention of the game...On the internet the game is there for £29.99 pre-order...However it mentions NOTHING of the phone strap D: Oh bother
It really depends on what the first thing I'm able to write with happens to be. If it's a computer I either upload it straight to deviantart, send to friend on facebook or type it up on word. If not it will be pen and paper and will often be accompanied by a drawing :3 Though as for coming up with ideas...Usually I'll be out and something on the street will inspire me...So I end up piecing the poem together in my head and chanting it out loud until I can jot it down x3 How about you guys? What do you do when you get sudden ideas?
Username : Agent.T Family Member/Title : The twentieth agent Personality : I tend to find it easier to talk to people online but do find myself getting internet shy sometimes, I will never back down if someone else has a problem and I do try to be there for everyone :) I also find myself to be fairly creative~ Literary Arts Specialty : I love writing poetry :) It is my greatest passion~ Anything else you'd like to share? : I suck at writing things like this but still I hope to find myself becoming good friends with everyone :)_
For me it depends on the type of cereal...Speaking of which~... What are peoples opinions on cereal bars
Haven't had enough - Marianas Trench
Cereal without milk is...it's...BEAUTIFUL! :'D rainbow
Oh I get it! That makes sense :D That's actually really cool~
Ah I see! I've never heard of that host :O That song is really something :D I rather enjoyed that, the video...I'm not sure I understood it...Was...
Oh really? That's cool :D what's Proboards? :3 Sounds pretty funky ^_^ I like most music out there ^_^
Wow that's pretty cool :) I see that now :D Thanks ^_^ SO I guess you've been a member of KHV for quite some time to memorize all that huh? :D...
Right now it's all about the coco pops...Particularly with hot milk...delicious they just melt into magic inside your mouth :'D
:O That is magical! I have no idea how you did that but that's amazing ^_^ I love that song :'D So inspirational~ really cheers me up when I'm low ^_^
Really? 3 And which song is that? :D
*hug* Please don't be mad at yourself, we all strike at disagreements and general pish...Honestly don't worry, as long as you patch things up you...
"Vanitas: Hmph. It's always about your friends, isn't it? Ventus: At least I have some."
Awww are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help? I hope you're gonna be okay :) And don't be mad at yourself...Everyone gets into arguments,...
Update~ ^_^ Roster: View attachment 32100 View attachment 32101 View attachment 32102 Location: Pewter City And I just beat Pewter gym and got the boulder badge ^_^ View attachment 32103