sad and lonely and kindna sick
-blushes- kindna sad but happy and kindna sick
Long time no talk what up!
no thx.........
no it's okay I'll just go home and drink some tea and I only like the herb cough drops
-blushes and hugs you back- Thx I hope I do too
-blushes and hugs you back- Thx -coughs in rl-
yea it is -coughs in rl-
bad because I have a cold and when I cough the back of my neck starts to hurt and my forehead it hurting too
i'm at school right now and i've been drinking tea
Idk everytime I cough my neck hurts
no feeling good I knindna have a cold
hi what up
Lolz and idk [IMG]
it's okay I love hugging people even you
-blushes and hugs you back- [IMG]
yea and lolz