5: stop fighting! 8: your right, im not bleeding woop, 2 any chance fo a stitch up?
hiya, you ok??
*wonders whether to go home*
hiya, you ok?
no worries :glomp: you ok?
thank you, me either lol
sorted :lolface:
whats ur name so i can put it as refferal?
good. About to make one now :lolface:
:D how are you? :glomp:
:cryinganime: Bye Xyam :cryinganime:
*wolf whistles and laughs*
Helpppp! *passes out on floor*
i need colour :)
ment 5 lol not 2
8: *lays bleeding on the floor* 2: *still running*
okey doke will do it later when im on my laptop, this comp too slow to open it xD