OOC: kk. I told you i was only going to book 9 to start with... OOC: oops posted twice lol
OOC: kk. I told you earlier i only wanted to go to book 9 to start with...
OOC: oh yeah ok.... which book is mikami in? and don't know if i'm going to bother with them yet, might be too many people....
kk. whats a good vocaloids song?
kk thanks. they police officers?
lol. did we need to do anything for maths?
OOC: soon but need some people to play Ryuk and Rem before we can really start and probably Light's Family
accepted ^^
oh well, im not the only one. yeah i know you told me you were going to put it up :)
lol i cant be bothered
have you got that coursework done?x
http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=96647 there u go x
said the man to the goat. Why does perfume have a smell to it?
ive added a bit more but dont know what else to put, help please lol
cool, great thanks.
ok...i'll sort it out
ok...like what?
hiya, long time no talk, how you been?
hiya, long time no talk. How you been? I'm going to be on here a lot more again now :) :glomp:
cool. what you been up too lately?