Shadowjak. o: >.> j/k.
Flyleaf - Smell Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana Cover) What was yours?
'kay. xD Thanks, I just saw K a i r i's post on some topic and it looked bold. e.o (I think it was K a i r i. xP)
I can't tell. xDD
Flyleaf - Smell Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana Cover)
Hocus Pocus - Come Little Children
Hey, welcome to kh-vids. Hope you have a good time here.
I think RISK or CTR would be amusing. ;D
Whose bringing sexayyy back? ;D
I feel sorry too. You'd sit down and eat the moogles all day. D<
my papa makes me cook dinner in a robe. >3
whoops srry lol datz me lulzlulzlulz
When you joined only yesterday, how would you know who she is? 8DD
Get the food out of your keyboard? edit: Actually, I agree with HB. xDDDD
It's a imposter. D:<<<
yummy, yummy. Don't you hate it when you're babysitting a really young kid, and they watch the kiddie shows and the songs get stuck in your head? ):
I have a tv in /almost/ every room in my house, so yes...
Angel, you look pretty. So does your rriend. =D
What? Wasn't she banned? .-.