Zexion x Vexen. what the hellll? ._. Vexen should be snogging a rock.
Hey, welcome to kh-vids. hope you enjoy your stay here.
with 8 guests. ;D Where's my award?
Bubblegum pink hair ftw. My cousin dyed her hair that color. I loved it. o3o
vexennn is GAYYYY for YOUUUU. ._.
I have them too. my whole family is trying to put me eyedrops, but I keep running away. xDD
It's like a soap opera. ooohh, the suspense.
^ lulz u bumped a old tread
Dudes, I seriously think Ven is 'round Roxas' age. so fifteen or sixteen.
Meg & Dia - Monster
--[Text on the sig]- Tonks --[Font]- Whatever looks cool? 8D --[Sig Type]- Just a normal sig? --[Sig Description]- I want it to be a bit dark-ish and gloomy, so yeah. Nothing too colorful and I'd like the pic to be on the left. --[Color(s)]- black, purple --[Picture(s)]-pic. --[Animation]- none.
Hey, welcome to kh-vids. Hope you enjoy your stay here!
Hey, welcome Vicks. I hope you enjoy your stay here at kh-vids.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of them all?
Should I take a risk and talk to this person because he might throw a razor blade at me? >D I always wondered that too.
Where were you on the night of January 32nd?
Darkwatch. xDD