DAH DARK LAWD. -cough- -cough- >.>
Stan Shunpike.
and I can't move my arm. Dx
Their new stuff SUCKS. they're old stuff are brill. though. ;D
I think it'd be nice.
Soku? fillerz
infifity and beyond phailure
"OMG MY ENGLISH TEACHER LOOKS LIKE XEMNAS." Maybe if you gave us a real story we'd laugh. >.> And even if this crap is true, she laughed at her teachers /HEART/ condition.
I didn't know you could play Halo online. ._.
Dude, stop making up stories. But just for future reference, DON'T burst into laughter when someone announces they have a heart condition. :/
2-5 am. Homeschool ftw. ;D
Like where they get their info? Xaldin already posts the link to where he got the info at the bottom of post. :/ If that's what you're talking about...>.> But next time when you make suggestions, describe what you're talking about. Some of us may get it...but some may not.
My mum says we got smoke where we live. (not in LA) I haven't gone outside yet, sooooo... xP
you are a ****ing idiot. beating ANYBODY up just because they pissed you off isn't cool. show some respect to your ****ing elders.
Hey welcome to kh-vids. Hope you enjoy your stay here.
Dudes, somebody lock this. >.> Eventually, this'll just break into a whole big fight. if not, it'll just make a lot of members feel bad.
My plaid pajamas, and a black Voldemort shirt. ;D
I know there's already one...but it's old. My white kellly shirt, skinny jeans, a black and white checked armband, a plaid jacket, black and white hi-tops with black laces, a white studded belt. >.> I'm too lazy to change into my pajamas.
lol ur point?