Nothing yet...And so we play the waiting game.
I know it dosn't really matter, but I'm grounded, ect. Don't expect me to post and stuff. P.S. This was typed from my Wii.
BARTENDER! Get this man his drink, pronto! Oh, and get me the drink that has the most sugar, I'm powering down. Can we atleast get Duke Nukem in here?
It's my speacial move. OVERKILL.
Owoools. By me. Oh, yesh, and my signature. I would copy and paste it, but I'm too lazy...
NAVER. *Uses Owooool* EPIC WIN.
If you're 1337, any cheats you use don't count towards wether or not you win. Yeah, it is unfair. That's how I role. Now, let me repeat myself. O...
Not much. How long have you slept? Oh and um...Bumpadactyl.
*Uses 1337 ONLY speacial ability remove remove spell, allowing me to become haxorz and block anything, EVAR. Beat that.* *Stabs...
Harry Potter and The Mass Red Dead Pikmin Revolution Left 4 Gears of Duty Theft Halo Party Shock 5 Unleashed hearts warfare
I bumped the thread?
Oh wow. I'm honoured.
Once again, I'm invincible. Also, to avoid any of your, uh, "speacial beam cannons" *snorts*, speacial effects (such as invincible break, which is...
.....You can't. I'm invincable. (And there ish no way you can change that.) (Also, no, you're NOT aloud to own everything in existance. End of...
And now we wait for a reply.
Who the hell has been messing with my time machine?
*Putting up decorations, while hitting Tale for not putting them up "right"* What happened to Chuck Norris? Did he already read break in?
Hey, Smeen, Eens told me something was up. You okay?
SSBB. Great replay value, lots of characters to unlock, and story mode is supprisingly fun. SSBB=Super Smash Bros BRAWL. Other than that, the KH...
Okay, I'll try my best!