First time? Spam X, spam △, some magic here and there. Second time? Valor/wisdom as much as possible, ear plugs, LOTS of magic, running around in circles, spamming everything and some popcorn for the viewers. Truckloads of it. In other words, I was crying when I beat mullet boy.
Again. Yeah, I suck. I told Eens to tell everyone, but just for safety. I can keep in touch through Wii (sorry P ^.^"), but typing with a Wiimote hurts my arm. ...And yeah, you can't go on Voxli via Wii. I tried and failed. I'm sure you can survive (That's one thing I'm sure of) though. Anyways, there's no telling when the bans lifted, so I'm off for a while. Cya. -XIII
Trust me, the ban is gonna stay for a while -.- Thanks. I'll do my best to keep in touch. My mum dosn't know you can go on the Internet through...
Hm? Like what? P.S. Banned, typing from Wii. Tell the forum, thanks.
I'm going to live in a house that's built in the bottom of the statue. I already put the grand canyon in the statue, silly.
There isn't? What happened to it? No. THAT IS NO INSANE MEASUREMENT. We need to combine everything in one giant tower. IT'LL BE 9001x HIGHER THAN...
This. This is what this thread WILL BE.
Bigger than the empire state building.
I prefer puppys, but kay. *Throws* -MEOOW!-
Exactly. We're talking about wifey here!
....all of them.
'Tis decided. *Grabs gasoline, matches and flamethrower* BURNING TIME!
NUUU! I'm sho sorry. *Handy kitty back and takes rock* Bump. Every time you bump this thread, your actually pulling it out of the fiery pit of house thread doom. Never mind. The thread died, and has fallen into the depths of hell.
I have a better idea: LETS BURN BOTH!
FKB, when did you get here? I probably didn't notice, I was most likely in the middle of a mocha sculling competition. With myself. ... Dammet, now I want coffee. Does our bar tender know how to to make coffee, or is it just alchahol? Besides that, heres everyones presents: L-A book on how the hell this threads still alive. Tale_Wind (assuming your not dead)-More oxygen. Get it? Since your Tale Wind? *Shot* Marcell-I didn't have any more money when I got your gift, so I found this sharp, glowy, long thingy. Enjoy, and don't sue me if you die. Makaze-A kitten. If you eat it, we get to feast on your limbs. Actually, on second thought...*Steals kitten and gives a "pet" rock* MINE! Firekeyblade-Assuming your staying, assuming you were always here, here's a keyblade. Yeah, that's why I didn't have money for you, Marcell. LARiA-I didn't know what the hell you wanted, so I made you a cupcake. Everyone I'm forgetting:Some sand. Enjoy your craptacular gifts.
Although yes won, yes. Off to burn down some houses, who wants to come with?
*Comes in with a bunch of suit cases* I'm back from my holiday..I brang back gifts! Anyways, whats been going on? ...Bump.
NUUUUU! We must have a funeral.