Ineed. *Nods slowly*
How dare you laugh at newt. Newt shall DESTROY YOU.
Yay! We have a new flag! :3
So far, your battle tactics havn't won you one thing.
DEATH TO THE GB! *Throws ghost grenade* GXIII RULES!
*Facedesk* Oh my god... You didn't win chris. NO ONE DID. It was confusion, you were on wide screen and we wern't. And it's GAME BUSTERS. Your captain has already said so, now stop bugging me. This isn't even your team thread.
Hello, fellow Voxli-ers. Now, recently, I've started a war between the Ghosts and...Game Busters? I don't know, they keep on changing it...With no apparant reason other than boredom. Anyways, My team is Ghost XIII, and...Well...We only have two members. Just Scroll and me. But we still havn't lost a battle. And one confusion because Chris was on wide screen. Oh, theres this other guy, but he dosn't do much. The oposing team, whatever their name is, is losing, but is lead by the yellow power rangin ghost buster...Or P, whatever you wanna call him. They have a good 10-20 members on their hands, and we're having a tough time with them. Now, what I'm trying to get over to you through complaining so much is getting you to join. We don't want any wannabe ghosts though, we want someone who's been a ghost from the beginning. Now we're not sure how many we need, but we don't want many. How do we decide? We train you. Train you HARD. So, join the winning team, will you? If you're interested in joining, meet me in my room (My Room) and me and scroll will give you an interview, show you a few things, you know. Oh, and an important note: YOU HAVE TO BE A GHOST. ----------------------------- Current Members: -Me ( River XIII (Deveraux) ) -Scroll -Heinlein -Plums - ----------------------------- Current score: Ghost XIII--7-0--Game Busters ------------------------------ NOTE: I started this war. On the note that I started this war, it is played by my rules. And that dosn't mean I win because I say so. A few quick notes: -Because of a past problem, it is from now on played that opponents must go completely of the screen. Behind the chat log DOES NOT COUNT. -If a player is disconnected because you cloned too much, no one wins. The match restarts, you carry on with the battle. -Basically, any problem that can be proven right will result in a match restart. We solve the problem, we continue the match, we're all happy. This may be war, but I'm not in the mood for arguing. ------------------------------
Of course newt.
Yay :3 I've magically re-appeared after my long, long absence. I'm sure no one cares, but still.
:3 Yaysh. I just got called a troll by some guy I don't know on Voxli for entering the room.
Eh, atleast I'm on again. I'd love to, but Roxykens is being a little b**** and wont make a portal.
YAY! One thing though. I'm only aloud on for 1 hour a day.
eens! eens! eens! My bans been unlifted!
Everybody says that. Far away? *Pulls Roxykens in by the ear* Now, make me a portal!
Good point. *puts top-hat back on* Australia. You?
Miss you too D: Once again, another brilliant idea. It'd be like a non-stop party!...WAIT. Thinking about it, wouldn't that make me adopted and...
I'll get the cash. You buy the computer. THEN WE WEAR TOP HATS. *Hands you a super box* Wanna know what it does? ...Nothing. It' a box with a...
Hey, hows it going? For me, it's pretty simple: Banned, miss internet and friends, awaiting response from girl I like, and down-right sick....
Hey Xi-xi. Been a while. Just thought I'd fill ya in a bit. So, you may/may not have realised I've been banned from the computer. Currently...
Hello, wifey :3