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  1. XIII-roxas
  2. XIII-roxas
  3. XIII-roxas
  4. XIII-roxas
  5. XIII-roxas
  6. XIII-roxas
  7. XIII-roxas
  8. XIII-roxas
  9. XIII-roxas
    Profile Post

    *Giant newt hugs you*

    *Giant newt hugs you*
    Profile Post by XIII-roxas for eentje, Jul 8, 2011
  10. XIII-roxas
    That's tough. Neoshadow, obviously. Simply because, well...It's a neoshadow.
    But otherwise a rune master. Because...Something. Too tired to type proper answers. Im gonna goto sleep now..
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Jul 7, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. XIII-roxas
    Hm? Oh, that used to happen to me. But when it happens for me I have to wait until the 10th/11th of the next month until it works again.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Jul 7, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. XIII-roxas
    The Nightmare Before Christmas. Happy face.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Jul 7, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  13. XIII-roxas
    A 24 hour version of nyan cat. I happened to stumble across it, and one thing lead to another and...Well, yeah.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Jul 7, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  14. XIII-roxas
    KH II 4th play through
    KH I because of maleficent dragon.
    FF XII
    Jak 3, 2 if it were working, TPL and X.
    Disgaea 2
    Epic Micky
    Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions
    Ratchet and clank, R&C 3, Gladiator
    And Brawls story mode if it counts that I havn't finished because I'm so lashy.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Jul 7, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. XIII-roxas
    Alright. Let's get this show on the road, shall we?

    Okay, KH1:...Oh god. So many things. Firstly, Monstro. I gave up on the game. I hadn't played it until a year later when I got bored of screwing around with light Jak in Jak 3 and decided to do something else for a change.
    Another thing? Maleficent dragon. Up until now, all of the boss fights I could handle. Piece of cake (on normal, anyways. I haven't started my proud play through.). I fought her once. I had to hide up on the god damn thorns and wait for Donald to heal me because I hadn't entered with any ether in my quick select menu, I was out of potions and I had decided to use the "good ol' magic strategy" so I basically wasted all my mana using fire balls, which now seems incredibly stupid seeing as I was fighting a @#$!%&! DRAGON. I still havn't beat her.

    KH2: Now, I didn't have too many problems with this game. Seemed easy through the first 2 play throughs on beginner maxing out the characters and getting all the ultima weapons. Moving on to intermediate, seeming pretty easy. Still trying to 100% it, but it was easy. Then I started proud. It then became clear how much I sucked at this game. I got to the station of awakening, my battle strategies present. I was ready for this. I got to the twilight thorn, and I was like "pffft, this'll be a piece of cake!". I got killed by a creeper nobody. God I hate playing as Roxas.
    Demyx. This guy was easy. I got past him with the kingdom key, no forms. But, the real annoying thing in this battle is the clones, as everybody knows. I always get to the last one, and mid reaction command the time hits 0. I hate him so much.
    The Luxord battle. It wasn't hard, no. But throughout the whole battle, I was thinking to myself, "What the f#@$ is going on? Do I just hit him, or what?".
    Atlantica. Self explanatory.
    What else, what else...Ah, yes. The fact you couldn't save at end game. I went to fight xemmy after getting the ultima, and I was ready for this. I went over my equiptment so many times, it wasn't funny. So I went to fight him. So, I won. Then, when I got to the end screen, I was like "Okay, awesome. Finished the game. Now, how do I save and return to menu?...*Insert large amounts of cursing and controller throwing*". Yeeeeah....I remembered to save next time.

    Okay, that's everything.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Jul 7, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. XIII-roxas
    Well, I've gotten it twice, 2nd recently. But, you know, if it's the orichulcum+'s...Then I'd just listen to Misty. If it's the synthesis part, then either look up a guide to synthesis materials or you can track down those few extra materials by matching the type with the enemy. And that's all there really is to it....

    ...I don't really think there was any need for me to post, was there?
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Jul 6, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  17. XIII-roxas
    Waiting? I guess I could try that. It might be little difficult though.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Jul 6, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  18. XIII-roxas
    See? isn't it so much more fun agreeing with me? :3
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Jul 4, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  19. XIII-roxas
    Hang with Rita, Hang with Rita!!
    I mean, really people, what happened to turning this girls life into a living hell? I liked it that way.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Jul 4, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  20. XIII-roxas
    P! What have I told you about making dirty bus jokes? Get in your room! *Nudges him with scythe*

    Post by: XIII-roxas, Jul 3, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)