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  1. ericy11
    naruto was that as much fun as it looked?
    Post by: ericy11, Oct 30, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ericy11
    ...well...what now...what can 3 ninjas do to people while their hanging out...oh i know, lets go to a party and tell people well be their, then when they come theyll be like 'hey where are they''holy **** their on the celing' and well be like 'throw the food up here please'
    Post by: ericy11, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ericy11
    umm...ok ill try to explain simply me and naruto share the same father, but my mother is the kyubii, and im not evil like her, i lived in a village that was hidden in konoha because fire nation was her home and her children couldnt stay in the other villages because we couldnt use our chakra, so with the help of the hokages, we made a start as a secret anbu organization to give information to the current hokage
    Post by: ericy11, Oct 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ericy11
  5. ericy11 lucario uzumaki from a village hidded within konoha...
    Post by: ericy11, Oct 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. ericy11
    my...poke-sences are tingling"closes eyes and hair...things float in the air"i see...oh no...its rock lee
    Post by: ericy11, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. ericy11

    anime city

    Post by: ericy11, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ericy11
  9. ericy11

    anime city

    hello naruto"appears in front of the REAL naruto and ichigo"that was a cheap move and ill get you back for trying it on me"she said with a sly stare"
    Post by: ericy11, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ericy11

    anime city

    oh crap get back here"hinata chases naruto in the shadows"
    umm..."crap how do i get her attention...hmm"do you want to go to the public library with me?
    Post by: ericy11, Oct 23, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. ericy11
    no ive not seen him, rock lee isnt taken, and you can start posting as him cause wacko wont needs someone to laugh at
    Post by: ericy11, Oct 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. ericy11

    anime city i remember why i hate spying...its so boring
    "lucario walks into school to find hinata, but sees konata and yuki"yuki..."he thought as he felt how much he liked her, and knw=ew hed try to make his move now bedore one of narutos friends"umm...hey yuki...whatcha doin?
    Post by: ericy11, Oct 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. ericy11

    anime city

    "hinata stalks naruto after she hears him talk aout his date"who is he going with...why cant it be me?
    Post by: ericy11, Oct 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. ericy11

    anime city

    yea you can join, and you also get your second character

    OMG i sense a disturbance in the force
    whats happening?
    narutos going out with someone taking the b=day off" runns to get her ninja spy gear"
    ..."face palms" naruto you moron, a desent girl comes up to you and you have to turn her down without telling her...this is gonna be fun
    Post by: ericy11, Oct 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. ericy11
  16. ericy11
  17. ericy11
  18. ericy11
  19. ericy11
  20. ericy11