Lucario- seth...your an emo who doesnt cut least i think you dont, so i suggest you go see opra...kill her...then run away from the crowd of emotionally scared women that will be chasing you while you laugh some freaky crazy laugh...then i wont call you an emo...ill call you...seemingly normal
Lucario- omg, did the emo just talk?
Lucario- does seth ever do anything, or does he just stand there and act emo before?
Lucario- that didnt come from my pocket...and i dont know what a yorkie is...also i DO have potato chips, their in darks back pocket where noone would ever look
Lucario- im not a mutt, i have papers SEEEEEE "pulls out random papers from thin air"
Lucario- yes seth, i know you've been their before, but we havent, plus mira wants to go see your father, DONT you
Lucario: ive got a better idea, a fieldtrip to heak with the G.R. as our tour guide...well ditch the spirit when we get down their and well tease the dead, whose in?
OOC- same here, im not british, im just weird
OOC- people always think im brittish
OOC- me and wacko are in the US
Lucario: on another subject...what is that thing coming out of darks pocket?
Lucario: i dont know, i dont play games that have panzy *** ******* in it...except for that one time, and ill NEVER make that mistake again!
Lucario: ...who are you?...didnt i see you in that one game noone likes anymore?
lucario: well...thats the thing...your not never were alive, you were just spawned somehow into a body, but you have no soul...and if you do...then good for you, you now have alterior motives as you are a human now too! sorry to tell you this...but...seth is dead
OCC- candy is dandy...but diamonds just might get you laid XD
thats none of your concern lol objection, but im underaged...and i get the phones that my mom breaks from chewing on the antennas lol
<Happy New Year> and dont be sad, be GLAD!as long as you've gotten your imagination, youll never be lonely, just look at me..>.>...<.<...<:(