Whatever you say... And they're blue, gray and green now...
That was me three years ago when I was fatter...
OOC: Can I still join? Name: Haley LeCreep Age: 14 Appearance: Weapon: Her giant dictionary History: On khvids, she read on a thread Xemnas was coming. Now he is here and she has to protect her family... If at all possible...
What what? This next image is the definition of a crude humor family...
I'm going to die happy because of that video...
O.o I knew that.... Of course I knew that... I'm not a complete idiot... :sweat:
OMGIZZLES! We have ghosts!
Oh... Do you do avatars too? I remember you barely... I think you change usernames a few days after I joined so I only know you by your current one...
I didn't do it that time! *hides red bull, matches and pina coladas*
lol... do you need something else in your graphic shop so you can procrastinate even more?
okay? *backs away slowly* I'm not... Hyper people are scary down here...
I don't think I came on before your name change... what was it before?
mine's stress... though i haven't been dianosed yet... i have all the signs... and coffee actually puts me to sleep... i crash before the rush... then crash after the rush...
O.o *growls* claustrophobia... insomnia gas *glomps back* oh well... boredom rocks wow this is a long post... oh well
Two words: Old Yeller If that didn't make you cry nothing will...
9/10 seen you lots!
Negativity? THAT was a compliment... Sort of...
Only I can hold the title of ******ed... I'm the princess of the land of ******ed fat people...
I sowy... You would if you knew my mom...
... O.o Light... How could you? ...You...You...You saved our children from a horrible evil...