10 yay! First douple digit!
I'm the one on the right... someone stole the camera
7 Don't shoot them! We'll be out of control then...
Yep... And like I said... THIS IS 1957 ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! *cries in corner* sorry... bored out of my mind... had to do it... if you actually read this put the word "happy" in blue in your reply... thank you!
5 cause i'm boredeth...
ooc: nevermind i'm on again... bic: Hayley felt something tap her shoulder. Slowly she turned around. Three big body heartless stood on her bed. She began to attack them with the dictionary once more, making her way outside. She discovered a empty gummie ship. "I'll have to learn as I go..." she told herself as she jumped into the cockpit and took off towards Vancouver.
What time demension are you from?!
*licks pop 3 times* Ah forget it! *bites the pop*
Hold on... *gives squirrel red bull* *sets squirrel tail on fire* Watch him run!
I claim it! *holds up gasoline can, squirrel, pizza, mushrooms, clothes hanger and match*
If you could, what is your real name? Ashly Lauren Kyzar What nicknames do you have? Fox, Ash, Ash-Craft, Ashes, Baby Doll, Mariska, Gloom, Gusherly, Glue, Explosion, Apple, Apple Pie, Ashy, Rockhead, Flippy, MadA$$ What alias would you give yourself? Fox as I already have or Ashes If there was any object in the world you would name yourself after, what would that be? Match And, last, but not least, what name would you give to a kitty? Sarge, Rambo, Pina Colada, Penut Butter, Mariska, Mean
Ah... I sowy... :sweat: *big, random, firey explosion*
... Ah... Why you worried?
*coughs* do you know me? do you know if i'm a girl or a boy? do i remind you of anyone? does my ignoring grammer annoy you? do i annoy you? are you related to elvis? how about any of the beatles? the guy who play the live-action light?
Nevermind... Found a way to stay on...
*shrugs* Oh well... night... parents on their pm mode so i've got to go to bed too...
Fearing for her life, Hayley rushed inside and locked all the doors before logging onto khvids to tell everyone to be on the look out... ooc: gots to go to bed... sorry guys...
Ello! I'm Gen nice to meet you! Read da rules and PM me with questions and just to talk... KK?
Hayley looked up to her window at the disturbance... Millions of Heartless flooded the streets outside her south Mississippian home... Screaming, she ran out the door and bashed them with the dictionary in her hands.