48 bottles of milk on zhe wall...
46 the year of the old as crap...
does not know that several penguins have been transformed to look like me...
44 if only...
*pulls out death note* bring it... is about to start a showdown...
41 too true too true...
nope i was talking to ~Amber~ she's probably gonna make my next avvy... is reading my new location...
ignored my post... nope...
38 ye...........no... don't ever do that again!
made one of my sigs... I'm trying to come up with a good avvy... but it requires an unrendered picture of me...
is now confused... should i change my location? its kinda boring now...
i'm related to the leprecauns... sends my own kin after me... yes my scouting parties are.... OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!
36 yeah let's not...
34 yay!
That was just a simple scouting party... thought she killed my penguins...
30 yeps...
9/10 nother one I see lots...
you know about da penguins? don't quit this... its fun...
bye... [fillerz] [more fillerz]
27 the day I was almost born on in december...