Get my sanity out of KK's tummy please!
*points at KK's stomach* OMGizzles! That one had my sanity box! You ate my sanity!
Okey dokey then... I'm going to go give the penguins the rest of my sanity... They deserve it...
If your completely bored and can't sleep raise your hand. *raises hand*
*waves at peoples* Gen here!
*slaps self for stupidity* wow...
They made a second and third movie?!
Leave me alone! *leaves to find new victim*
:stupid: :stupid2: I :guns3: stupid!
Yeah! ow Ow OW OW OW
1. it's 1:23am 2. if it will make you believe
So what if I cuss? These are not f***ing contacts... *pokes eyes* see? Yay! Gen wins again!
Are not! Call me Gen! Dammit! *writes John Weeder in Death Note with no description* *waits 40 seconds*
*begs Shinigami for the eyes* *gets eyes* *writes full name with even more painful and long death description* *waits until 1:11*
*marble table randomly appears* *slams head on marble table* :stupid:
Is it time yet?
*continues waiting*