If I remember right, Rock Band is gonna be a timed exclusive for the 360 in Europe. Can anybody confirm this?
Yeah it seems pretty awesome, I have to say something about the R2 trailer... I HATE TEASERS! Seriously they suck.
... WooooooooooooooooooooW
Grim Fandango 2 would be awesome... But only on the PC It won't happen though
The japanese one, because imo the MGS box arts needs concept art...
*Sigh* I'm so sick of this! Metal Gear was PORTED from the MSX to the NES, the port was the infernior version and even switched the Metal Gear with a super computer... How lame is that? Kojima himself even hated it :\
Parappa The Rapper for sure =D
Al bhed sucks...
I found out that the WHOLE game is installed onto the hard drive, like warhawk. So the game is never really running off the disc. I think that every single PSN title that is released on blu-ray will require the same sort of treatment. I'm expecting SOCOM to require an install too. Anyway, I decided to skip the update first, to check out the game, oh my GOD! The menu presentation is so slick, the cars look better than any other racing game this gen by far, the handling could be better (or maybe it's just me), but it really is worth the £18 I paid for. I can't play it online right now because it requires an online update , and the GT servers are being hammered by the amount of download requests it's receiving! All in all, the best demo evarr!
Ico was an amazing game, I seriously can't wait to see what they can make on the PS3 =D
A-ha ?
Yeah, haggis is awesome
Welcome to KH-Vidshope you enjoy your stay here
Marluxia! I want his hair ;D
Risk :3
Sora, he's the character and can beat the dual-wielding Roxas with only one Keyblade, plus Roxas will probably not even be in KH3 :\
I'd say that SSBM is the worst ;D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc53JxCe8AQ The ending cracks me up! xD
Yeah the original one was pretty mediocre but this looks awesome I hope it's good...
Seriously? I do hope that it's better then the last one... :\