After what Bill Gates did to get where he is today I don't think he deserves my money >:0
Which languages can you people speak/understand? Personally: English: I can type, speak and understand it (Of course), Swedish: I can speak and undestand it but not type it, Norwegian: I can type, speak and and understand it, Danish: I can type and understand it but not speak it, Spanish and Japanese: I know the (very) basic things of these languages, like hi and those kind of things... And that's it, I think =3
I don't really like to "rub" against things if you know what I mean >_>
I seriously laughed my ass off when Luigi showed up, what is it about anyway? Wanting to have sex with Peach? Edit: Never mind just read the lyricks
Wait, I thought Squall was gay! But seriously though, no I never knew about that 0_o
Because my hand is broken :nono:
A little over the top but I'll still get it :3
And I don't have one of those sticks that you itch the itch with D:
So I'm a chav then? D: J/K
I don't even know who I am :\
Nice !
Hope this helps you guys =D
Welcome to KH-Vids hope you have a lot of fun here =)
It is my great pleasure to present to you the first in my long line of quality babies, James Oliver Annable! Baby Annable is the joyful outpopping of Malena Annable (former kitty-hater) with some assistance from the famous and potent Graham Annable. As you can see, the feet are still in the concept art stage, but we’re still letting Malena call him “done” because she promised to come in this weekend and finish him up.
Wow, if you've never played then what are you doing here? 0_o
Why, did I push a button?
He probably didn't want to mess up his blade.
I don't really care at this point, I don't consider Kairi anything more then a tease...
So he's thinking about MGS5, ZoE3 was high on his list, and he said that he was gonna do an Wii game after MGS4... He has quite a lot to do...