Nathan Drake from Uncharted, I just find his sarcasm an downtoearth-ness hilarious!
Yeah, now that I think about this is the exact same way Iost my GameBoy Colour >_<
Yeah, I was taking a piss while sending a message and I dropped it... It's flushed now ;_;
I just dropped my phone in the toilet >_<
Finally I've been waiting for this for a long time =D
Maybe Ven is Sora's brother? ^_^
KH- Berserk KH2- just press X untill they are gone...
When Goffy gets smashed by that big rock =D
I'll defiantly get this game Blizzard are gods, now lets see if it comes out before 2012 ;D
Action adventure, platformers, and TPS :)
Driver 2 on the PS1, it was so much better then the crap that is GTA2
Hmm... All Ansem's fo sho
I'm such a n00b that I can say that I don't know you >:3
I would want to be Wander from Shadow of the Colossus because he turns into a baby with horns ^^
Yeah he awesome even if most of the time I need the subtitles to understand him >_> However, with Baddman I can't understand a word xD
I have the phat versions of both the PSP and the DS :rockdoversad:
When she melted into Sora in the Secret Place...
No way, let them die >:0 I am serious...
The only "rare" game I own is probably Herdy Gerdy, unless you meant developed by Rare, then I owned most of their N64 games. =D
Niko Bellic