...And the Milkman just came past our house. >_> Either he is early or really late.
There was a big sale in a department store in Harajuku in Tokyo. It was madness. It was lots of small stores and each store had booming music and the staff were yelling while holding banners to get your attention to go into the store. And it was packed, so it added to the madness. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kMZgAc3YOkI
You think the US and UK elections can be odd from time to time. Well Tokyo did one better. As you can see. One candidate had a theme song. XD Sorry for the poor quality it was done on my phone which has a crap zoom. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=lYC0PYbEuSE
I'm not kidding. When I went to Japan I found these Apple Cookies and chocolate cakes. I bought the cakes. It opens up into L's laptop. =D
I've been a fan of Yellowcard for a while, they were one of the first bands that got me into rock music, even though my tastes are heavier, I still love this band. So releasing a new album was great news to me. Even though the previous Album Lights and Sounds was good, it wasn't quite as good as Ocean Avenue. But is this one better. In my opinion yes, it is either on par or better than Ocean Avenue. I love this album. My favourite tracks are The Takedown Fighting Shadow and Regrets Afraid Paper Walls.
I will be gone. Yep, i'm going on holiday with friends to a caravan part in Norfolk. ^_^ I doubt very much that I will go on the internet. But fear not, everyones favourite mod will be back on Friday. ^_^ So you see you all then.
The morning and early afternoon I did the usual watch TV and do stuff on my laptop. But by 4:30 I went out with friends for one friends birthday instead of the conventional go to the pub on someones 18th. We went to a field in the middle of no-where and set up a Gazebo. And for those that don't know the UK weather has been pretty crap these past 2 weeks or so. Luckily it didn't rain, but man it was windy, it took over 30 minutes to set up the Gazebo at one point it went flying and hit a friend in the face. Once we go it nailed to the ground he set up the table with a mixture of foods. So 2 of the friends went off to pick of the birthday girl and during that time while the rest of us where waiting a huge gust of wind came and blow over the drinks on the table which wet some of the food, so we drank the remaining lemonade and ate the food that was wet (Lemonade + sauage roll = not that great). Then the birthday girl arrived. We all wore top hats...don't ask why. And just has it happened we picked all the food she didn't like. After that is was 8:30pm so we decided to go to the pub, the birthday girl wanted to buy an alcoholic drink....legally, and it was an exuse to go to the pub, so we stayed there for 2 hours and talked about weird things. We found out that if one friend got someone pregeant he would get life insurance for alot of money and kill himself so the mother would have money to support and he wouldn't have to deal with the baby, and another friends would stab her in the stomach to kill it. O.o Then we drove to take people back home only we didn't...we decided to go a bit of a Detour for a little drive, and that little drive ended up being an hour long while dotting around the county. XD
This is my entry for battlesaga X. I originally was going to use different footage but had problems finding good footage, but after seeing this film again on DVD I thought the song fitted well I so picked this. The video goes through the story of the South Koeran film 'The Host' The song is 4:AM Forever by Lostprophets. Sorry it's a bit LQ, but my laptop seems to like to randomly turn off when I leave it to render a video, so to save rendering time I set it to the way you see it. Well anyway enjoy. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/80624.html Download LQ - <Coming Soon> HQ - <Coming Soon>
I recently got MGS Portable Ops (Still and noob at it XD) And out of curiousity i'm wondering who else here owns the game, so we can have a KH-Vids game for fun.
THIS IS A SPOILER WARNING FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT SEEN DEATH NOTE 37. Swimming Lessons - http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/1588/simminglessonsfulltz8.jpg animated swimming lessons - Now for my boredom Swimming lesson joke -
What you see before you is an image of a cat. But Shadowjak seems to believe otherwise and says it is a hamster. Am I right or is he? Just remember you say it's a hamster and your banned for a week.
....of exams. I just finished my last exam. It didn't go as well I was hoped, but oh well, hope I get the grades to get into Uni. All I have to worry about now, is what to so for the next 2 months. XD
I discovered the band recently. They are yet to release an album but one is coming out next month I believe. The sound is very pop/rock but damn they are catchy. Here is one of there songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glERPMfMbwI The new single Jessica is good but sounds very samey. Who else likes them?
The washing is on the line, and a giant gust of wind just blew off some of clothes over into the neighbours garden. >_> I sure hope none of my clothes were on there.
It's not a sig but it's a graphic I made for an upcoming video i'm making. A bit of C'n'C would be nice for future posters I will make. ^_^
http://www.gametrailers.com/umwatcher.php?id=71736 The Church of England has sued Sony over using Manchester Cathedral for the game 'Resistance: Fall of Man' as a battleground in the game without their permission. Though Sony say they got the nessasary permissions needed to use it. You can understand the way the church feels in the fact that a place of worship is being using for a gun battle. But that isn't the thing about it all I want to stress. It's what they say after about violent games. Manchester has been affected by gun crime more frequently in recent years. And this woman states that they don't want that connection of gun battles in Manchester as it might effect the families in the area affected by gun crime and goes on in that nature, watch the video to understand it all. I'm sorry but this lady talks bull****, for one it's a game where you kill aliens and fight for justice. Not in one way does it promote gun crime, as Sony states it's a Fantasy sci-fi game which is set in WW2 era. But it does bring up 2 discussions: 1.) To what point can developers use a place without offending others and should they be allowed to use them? 2.) Do you think the MP is overeacting to the situation?
After kevz2kool's Deathspank's birthday was successful. He had the idea to do this more often (something I had also been wondering about aswell). First of all what is it? Well it is a mixture of different mini AMV's compiled together from a variety of editors. An example is the comedy AMV 'AMV Hell'. Each AMV will be 15-45 seconds long. And when you are done send a download link to me via PM, please make sure it is of good quality. There is no limit on what footage you can use. I would perfer a good variety of footage instead of mainly KH. It doesn't matter of your skill level, in this we are all on the same playing field. I will keep a track of editors taking part here. Editors 1.) Darkandroid 2.) kevz2kool 3.) Roxasvsriku 4.) kikame 5.) Doxyc 6.) DarknessKingdom 7.) KL93 8.) budds 9.) TheOtherKeyblade 10.) shadowjak 11.) You have a month today so you have until July 10th to hand in your entries. Please say you are taking part in this thread so I have acknowledged you are taking part.
There are too many threads about you. Wait this is one of them. Damn.
...My Hair is assaulting you.