Who is always serious? Sara - Being Forum Leader you need to be. RoxasvsRiku - Well fighting off trolls is a serious business. Raku - With all thats happened to her, I don't blame her.
Who pisses you off the most? Ducky - For his Noobyness. GhettoXemnas - The Neg rep could mean something? La Sofa - For being a Couch iPraise - Maybe no-one wants to praise you. Cronoking - For being a Perv. Roxas - For never god damn leaving.
Banned but still cool, who is your favourite? Roxas - So cool he has been unbanned 8 TIMES! namine_of_kh2 - Popular by some of the members, is it enough? Camel - He had a good run, and was a pretty popular guy. Can he win it? Xenshin - Ex-Staff member, does it make him cool enough to win?
Who is the most Elite? Deathspank - Site owner, can you get more elite? Xaldin - It's everyone favourite doopy Admin, but is he the elitist for his news skills? Darky's Bro - Randomly appears, but a laugh is ensured when he appears, is he elite? Atari - The always changing Atari, so elite even his brother named his account after him as Darky's Bro.
Everyone loves a bit of noob bashing, but who is the worst? Ducky - So bad he got a name change GhettoXemnas - His neg rep may be a sign EvilMan_89 - ...umm...yeah. Tummer - One of the biggest noobs of recent months CFF - Probably the biggest and most remembered noob of all time, a person you want to but can't forget. SORA! - NOOB!
Which noob do you like the most? Ducky - Is his Duck a good noob? Kairi_Li93 - Noob, but liked. Tummer - One of the biggest noobs of recent months but apparently not as bad as people think. Splitoverlord - Maybe a name change to NoobOverlord is in order? Sora n Roxas Rock - Might not be well known but you aren't that bad
01_Kairi - A picture of Kairi many KH-tards will drool over. Lithium's Disney Avatar - Who can't forget Disney Xigbar - Yes you are a pirate, a cute Xigbar avi you can't forget. Shikimarasu Shadow - It's a Naruto charactrt, people like it, so they can't forget. Roxas' boy #11 - Can't forget such a stone cold face of a character from Battle Royale
Who's sig do you remember most. Alice's Ban Forever - Probably remembered for the fact many people want her banned forever. Roxas' KHVR - Based on the popular fanfic, who can't forget it Higher Being - Can't forget a sig like that. Danger Mouse's 50 Cent sig - Is it the fact it's 50 Cent or is it just TBK killer sig skills. Deathspank's - It's Deathspank...simple as.
Some of the biggest KH geeks you will ever see. Is this a good or just a sad award, well thats up to you Xaldin - Anything KH related Xaldin has said about, he is one of the first people to know this info Repliku - Must be a KH master to be nominated. Xigbar - Is this person actually Xigbar? Xxx Xehanort xxX - Made a very useful KH2 FM+ guide, but is his general KH knowledgr up to scratch? It appears so.
A person who is always here but rarely posts. Deathspank - Also known as the invisable man, he doesn't like to be seen (Is he that ugly?) Alice - Always here, but does she post enough? Element - Always seen, but rarely speaks. Leadcat - No-one but a select few even know he exists, he is truely a master Lurker.
Who is the biggest pushover in the forum? Crono - Yeah......can't see this AerithRose - Is she too kind, and is often kicked or banned from the chat for the hell of it. shadowjak - Do people know this guy? Or don't get the meaning of this award. FireNanaki - To shy for her own good.
This stuff is pure rubbish, you could of swore a monkey wrote it. But who's is the worst? UK and KH1 ghettoxemnas CFF
Each one makes fantastic stories that should be given a read, but who's is the best? 2Foxxie for you Roxas Sousherei 01_Kairi
This art should really be burned into the face of Hell, but who's should go first? Animegirl104 myoblivion InuKH2Sammy ghettoxemnas Rikus#1fangirl winniepooh366
Each one of this people are great with there hand, but which one is the best? Alice GIIIIIIIRLZ Zandyne
GhettoXemnas - Everyone from the Ghetto loves to complain apparently Sara - The forums very own mother, but of course we all knows mum's like a good nag. shadowofRiku - Loves to complain in the shadows Anniexo - Complains and gets it banned, thats what I call good complaining. shadowjak - Most famous for his rants, he just loves to complain.
The forum perv, well the name speaks for itself but who is the biggest? Cronoking - Pervert is his middle name. Roxas - All of his fantasies truely are some of the pervertest things this side of the forum. Mish - Forum ****...well it appears a perv aswell.
sweqsora - His grammer, spelling and everything to do with typing was pretty much a typo. Ghettoxemnas - Is the Ghetto that bad? Anniexo - Makes typos from time to time, sometimes makes you think WTF Trigger - Trigger huh, well maybe you type to fast. Atari - Can't honestly say i've seen him make many typing mistakes
Xaldin needs a much needed break, so i'm going to take over making threads for now. Most Failed Member GhettoXemnas - A man from the Ghetto, can he get anymore fail. Klaro - I can't find the user in the members list, that has got to be fail. La Sofa - A couch....come on honestly. sweqsora - Help.me.4eva. That is the best way to put Sweq shadowjak - Most of the time all he ever does is complain is he ever happy here? Xaldin - We have all heard the stories, he can't work the forum at all despite being an admin, almost called the site to crash...twice, and has de-admined himself. Talk about failure
Due to my outrage and shear blasphemy of me not getting any nomination for the 'KHV Awards 2007.' I wasn't even voted for best staff, and some facker called Pulse did and he isn't even staff D<. I have decided to take things into my own hands and simply say. VOTE DARKANDROID FOR EVERYTHING. That's right Vote Darkandroid for everthing, I have made sigs and avatars for my campaign that you are all free to use. So come on support my cause and not support such a facist awards. D< More will be up later.