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  1. Darkandroid
    The second single from the absolutely amazing 'Dark Passion Play' album, Nightwish's latest work.

    This song is obviously about the departure of Tarja and the bands feelings about it. Tis a very good song, not the best of the album, but very good.

    For all those that haven't seek out the new album.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Oct 2, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Music
  2. Darkandroid
  3. Darkandroid
    That guys dead brother is here to answer your questions.

    Here are the rules.

    1 - Keep it to the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13, after all this is still a part of KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does not have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regulars basis, daily would be preferred, so dedicated will be needed.

    4 - Do not ask to be in the spotlight, we will contact you if you want to be the weeks guest.

    5 - No arguing with the guest, keep it clean and don't use it as an attempted to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions, give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask.


    So ask away.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 30, 2007, 285 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Darkandroid
    As the current rule states, it says that the maximum limit for a signature is 500x500 each, so in theory you can have up to 1000 pixels in height, which is huge, and will take up a screen and and half, maybe more.

    So we have decided that there will be a limit of 500x500 in total for both images. But we also allow an extra 100 pixels for text, so that is 5 lines of normal sized text which should be more than enough and we will give some leeway so if you are a few pixels over the limit we won't remove it. With this it should still give you quite a bit of freedom and won't cause lots of scrolling down a page.

    This probably won't effect a lot of you, but the current rule for it was flawed and is just their to make it better, so I made this just to warn you.

    But don't worry we won't start telling you and changing sigs straight away if it's over 500 (unless it's a ridicious size) we will give you 2 weeks to change and get used to the new rule before we start taking action.

    I would like to remind you that limit for gif's are still 500kb.

    Thank you.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 28, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Darkandroid
    All is explained here -
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 24, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Darkandroid
    I had planned to finish this before I went to University but that never happened, so it ended up be completed almost 2 weeks after I had planned, but at least I got it done in time for Battlesaga. =D

    The song is Doomsday by Atreyu, and it's an Afro Samurai Fan Movie.


    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 23, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  7. Darkandroid
    This weeks guest is the Inuyasha mad MadiYasha.

    Here are the rules.

    1 - Keep it to the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13, after all this is still a part of KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does not have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regulars basis, daily would be preferred, so dedicated will be needed.

    4 - Do not ask to be in the spotlight, we will contact you if you want to be the weeks guest.

    5 - No arguing with the guest, keep it clean and don't use it as an attempted to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions, give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask.


    So ask away.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 23, 2007, 195 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Darkandroid
    Yep this week it is K a i r i under the spotlight.

    Here are the rules.

    1 - Keep it to the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13, after all this is still a part of KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does not have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regulars basis, daily would be preferred, so dedicated will be needed.

    4 - Do not ask to be in the spotlight, we will contact you if you want to be the weeks guest.

    5 - No arguing with the guest, keep it clean and don't use it as an attempted to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions, give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask.


    So ask away.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 16, 2007, 250 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Darkandroid
    Want to steal a film....think again.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 15, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Darkandroid
    Well since the other one was so large, we are going to make a new one every 1000 posts to make it look less cluttered.

    Also I would like to mention no quoting large pictures as it is a nuisance especially for those with low connection speed. So please just state the persons name and don't quote them.

    And the obvious don't spam.

    Other than that, have fun. =D
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 12, 2007, 1,018 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Darkandroid

    Kefka Cosplay

    This guy just owns. XD
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 8, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Darkandroid
    Well this week it's Mish's turn.

    Here are the rules.

    1 - Keep it to the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13, after all this is still a part of KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does not have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regulars basis, daily would be preferred, so dedicated will be needed.

    4 - Do not ask to be in the spotlight, we will contact you if you want to be the weeks guest.

    5 - No arguing with the guest, keep it clean and don't use it as an attempted to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions, give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask.


    So ask away.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 8, 2007, 309 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Darkandroid


    I was just watching a program on TV. It was American, and it had a english guy in it, but while he was talking they added subtitles because they thought no-one could understand what he was saying. >_>

    Made my laugh, but still, you could easily tell what he was saying. XD
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 5, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Darkandroid
    We have over 15,000 members, but not one of them was born on this day.

    You should all be ashamed.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 4, 2007, 39 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Darkandroid
    Go read this thread -

    Can't read it huh. Well see this -
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 4, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Darkandroid

    Hey you there


    Thread by: Darkandroid, Sep 2, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Darkandroid
    Yes it's me, but hey, why not just get me over and done with, and besides I make the threads. =D

    Here are the rules.

    1 - Keep it to the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13, after all this is still a part of KHV.

    2 - The person in the spotlight does not have to answer all the questions.

    3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regulars basis, daily would be preferred, so dedicated will be needed.

    4 - Do not ask to be in the spotlight, we will contact you if you want to be the weeks guest.

    5 - No arguing with the guest, keep it clean and don't use it as an attempted to flame the person.

    6 - Don't ask too many questions, give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask.


    So ask away.
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Aug 31, 2007, 170 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Darkandroid

    Stress Class

    Thread by: Darkandroid, Aug 30, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Darkandroid

    The IT Crowd

    This show is awesome.

    So funny. The new series began last week, and it's great as usual. XD

    One of the good parts -
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Aug 30, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Darkandroid
    I must say I'm liking their new album.

    Though those older Atreyu fans might not like it. Their sound has changed alot., no-where near as much screaming as you would expect from them.

    But I for one am liking it. Doomsday if an awesome song, the end of it is just amazing. The first single Becoming the Bull isn't bad. Though I find that the stuff don't get as good towards the end, but still a great album.

    Doomsday -
    Thread by: Darkandroid, Aug 29, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Music