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  1. axelforever
    "About 150 men"
    Post by: axelforever, Oct 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. axelforever
    "Ok...and yea I know I'm a difficult person, but you learn to deal with it hehe" *Dlyan brings Rogue her bladed ring*
    Post by: axelforever, Oct 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. axelforever
    "I don't dout that you can, it's just what Dlyan told told me he said there's too many, you won't be able to fight them all..." A cheecky smile grew onto her face "And who said I'm going to hide? *laughs a little* If I couldn't fight the previous leader wouldn't have made me second in command...but from what my heartless told me it is unwise to fight this battle, but I will not stop you if you really wish to do this and if you do fight I'm not letting you fight alone I am standing by your side"
    Post by: axelforever, Oct 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. axelforever
    "What...? You can't serious, what if something bad happens to you?" a tear ran down her face *moves against Alaric and places her hands on his arms*
    Post by: axelforever, Oct 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. axelforever
    "Well..." Rogue didn't have time to finish her sentenance for her heartless Dlyan showed looking very frightened "Dlyan, what's wrong?" The little heartless told her "Oh no, Alaric we have to leave this place now soliders are heading in this direction... there's too many to fight, if we stay we'll be captured or worse... possibly killed!" Rogue's face showed that she was very frightened.
    Post by: axelforever, Oct 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. axelforever
    *Moves away from Alaric* "Yea... it was and...yea maybe we should do something important" She said very queitly
    Post by: axelforever, Oct 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. axelforever
    Rogue moved herself a little closer to Alarcic, her hand on his side moved and was replaced on his back
    Post by: axelforever, Oct 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. axelforever
    Rogue relaxed her body and placed one of her hands on Alaric's face and the other on his side but also whilest doing this she thought he might disapprove
    Post by: axelforever, Oct 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. axelforever
    Rogue was parralised she didn't know how this stituation happened but she didn't mind she liked what was happening
    Post by: axelforever, Oct 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. axelforever
    For those of you who don't know Rosario + Vampire is an anime about a high school for monsters is really funny and I thought it would make a good rpg lol so have fun but a word of warning for people that plan to watch this anime if you don't like seeing girls underwear, girls changing, reaviling clothes ect then don't watch it. You are entiled to join this rp but before you join please read the rules (I already now you will but I'm going to try and keep this as close to anime as possible anyone is allowed to join but there is an age limit but you are stil allowed to join even if you are under the recamended age but you must be perpared for things passed PG13. You are allowed up to 3 characters but one of those characters MUST be a teacher. Also there must be one student who is a human since in the anime there is a human male student pretending to be a monster and he hides himself in an okish way so who wants to be human? Since I'm usually 'kidnapped' by my Demyx friend and that I can't really keep up with whats happing you mighthave to send me a messege to my profile with your character details sorry for any inconveinace.

    Age Limit:- 16+

    RPG Rules:-
    1)Any kind of relationships are allowed and also you are allowed to get 'close' to another character.
    2)No foul langauge.
    3)No god mode.
    4)If you are wishing to do something that isnt PG13 your character has go find somewhere, were they think a teacher won't show.

    High School Rules:
    1) No student is to reveal their true form unless it is absulutly nessercary.
    2) No Boys allowed in girls dorms and no girls in boys dorms.
    3) Any humans spotted on school grounds must be reported straight away!
    4) No fighting.
    5) Uniform must be worn at all time on school grounds but cascual wear is only allowed in your own dorms.
    6) No bulling, if theres is bulling in any form it must be reported.

    Dorm and Lessons(girls and boys dorms may be seprate but the numers are the same example there are two Dorm A's :-

    Dorm A:-
    L1: Mingling with humans 101
    L2: English
    L3: Monsters in history
    L4: Free lesson
    L5: Maths
    L6: Mainting your human form

    Dorm B:-
    L1: Monsters in History
    L2: Mainting your human form
    L3: Maths
    L4: English
    L5: Free lesson
    L6: Mingling with humans 101

    Dorm C:-
    L1: Free lesson
    L2: English
    L3: Maths
    L4: Mingling with humans 101
    L5: Monsters in history
    L6: Mainting your human

    Dorm D:-
    L1: Maths
    L2: English
    L3: Mainting your human form
    L4: Mingling with humans 101
    L5: Monsters in history
    L6: Free lesson

    Human form
    Monster form:

    Name: Asuna Yagami
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Monster: Vampire
    Dorm: Dorm D
    Human form: [​IMG]
    Monster form: [​IMG]
    Bio: Asuna is a really sweet girl and just wants to be friends with everyone. She is very powerful since she is a vampire and vampires are one of the most strongest monsters around but when her black choker is removed she turns into her true form.

    Name: Miss. R. Lilly
    Age: 2000
    Gender: Female
    Monster: Cat person
    Dorm: Teachers dorm
    Human form: [​IMG]
    Monster form: Same form just hides her ears and tail
    Bio: She's always wanted to be a teacher so for centuries she's been changing her name and apperance she is hyper and lovable but keep her away from human realm fish!!!
    Teaches: Monsters in history
    Thread by: axelforever, Oct 1, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. axelforever
    Rogue breathed deeply and felt very nervous she didn't know what to do but she felt that she had to say something, anything even if it was dumb "It feels to have gotten little bit cold" Rogue didn't know why she said that but she thought it was better than nothing she decided to make some sort of move *takes hold of Alaric's hand and faintly smiles*
    Post by: axelforever, Oct 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. axelforever
    OOC: lol I don't know what it is hehe

    BIC: "Yea, it is kinda quiet but the skies really nice." She siad while looking at Alaric *smiles*
    Post by: axelforever, Sep 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. axelforever
    OOC: yea he has an obession about trying to get me to stay round his but I'm back now ^^

    BIC Rogue blushed and began to look at the floor but she continued to smile "I wouldn't mind if you did, I.... I have become quite fond of you Alaric." She blushed even more as she said these words
    Post by: axelforever, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. axelforever
    OCC: sorry i havent been on in awhile it's because 'Demyx' technailly kidnapped me LOL

    BIC: Please tell me, if you think I'll laugh I promise you I won't *she said with a sweet smile on her face*
    Post by: axelforever, Sep 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. axelforever
    "If your instinct is talking to you please listen to it, it could be interesting on what it has to say"
    Post by: axelforever, Sep 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. axelforever
    "Um..." She thought for a moment "Well I've always wanted to do something with out thinking... but that just seems silly"
    Post by: axelforever, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. axelforever
    Post by: axelforever, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. axelforever
    "Ok but maybe we should keep a eye-out just in case"
    Post by: axelforever, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. axelforever
    "Ummm... I think so I have heard rumours about new uniforms, and that their getting closer to catching us, but I'm not sure like I said it's just a rumour but best to be aware"
    Post by: axelforever, Aug 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. axelforever
    OOC: Sorry that the reply took so long it's just that I havent had enough time to get on the computer because I've things to do and sort out that to me is only important

    BIC: "Thats true I guess, so where we're going is some where random... awesome that sounds like a lot of fun -giggles-
    Post by: axelforever, Aug 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home