OOC: I'm fine thanks for asking, how bout you? BIC: Dylan grabbed a stick and started writing in the mud he wrote that Rogue had been captured by the king's soliders and given a nerve collur so she could be controlled. Dylan then seemed like he was crying.
OOC: lol don't worry about it, it's ok you've been busy understandable BIC: Dylan suddenly came across Alaric and with no thought in his head Dylan started jumping up and down infront of the fellow rebel with a worried look on his face.
OOC: It's ok don't worry about it ^^ BIC: Dylan was heading back to base he knew what had happened to Rogue and dispite what she had ordered him he was going to try and tell someone that she had been captured.
OOC: Hello..? anyone there?
OOC: It's ok BIC: Rogue was so close to the castle but became caught in a trap this was not good "Damn it" Soliders appeared one of them at first thought she just some random girl but another realised that she had been caught before and had been branded and wanted her killed, but another stopped him and claimed that she could be of some use and fun for them so a special collur was placed around her neck when she cut down and taken to palace under the soliders control.
Rogue awoke two hours later she gathered her things and opened a window to jump outof it so she wouldn't disturb anyone she started to run towards the kings castle she had choosen toconfront him she had no thought for her own safety she wanted to end this there and then no matter what "Dylan go back to the base tell no one where I am not even if I'm trouble got that? Now go!!!" and off Rogue ran into the night.
OOC: It's ok don't worry about it, besides Demyx has been 'kidnapping' me again. BIC: Rogue walked back over to her bed and lay down and went to sleep.
*Rogued moved towards the door, but wondered whether to open it or not* What do I?? She thought.
Rogue heard a noice it sounded like a door opened but whatever or whoever it was she didn't want to bother them.
She grabbed her pillow and pulled it into her face and started to cry heavily into it, she was useing the pillow so she didn't disturb anyone nearby.
Rogue layed perfectly still on her bed not even saying a single word she just lay thinking *signs*
"Dylan you can go I... I need time to think" *kisses Dylan and puts him on the floor* Dylan portalled off "Bye Dylan *sighs* well I better take my weapons and armour off... wait I don't wear armour I just wear this tube-top and mini skirt *little laugh* oh well" Rogue layed back down and started to think "I wonder what Alaric is doing".
Rogue layed on her bed crying and cuddling her little heartless friend "I miss them so much Dylan and because of that evil man I shall never see them again" Dylan just looked at her feeling sorry for his master and friend he seemed to saying 'It's ok master don't feel sad you will see them again one day you just have to be patient'.
"Goodnight Alaric" Rogue whispered, she walked into her room and fell onto the bed a tear ran down her face, Rogue began to cry.
"Yea, we call it a night, Tenshie guess we'll take the rooms you suggested." "Ok then *walks over to the counter and grabs two items* here are your keys *passes Rogue and Alaric their room keys* goodnight I'll alert you if soliders show up" He told them.
"Um... I don't know, shareing would be more convient if soliders were to arrive here but also single would better so we'd have our privacy but I really don't know" She told him. "I'll tell you what I'll do, I'll put you in rooms next to each other with a door connecting your rooms to each other both with single beds that attach to make a double bed, what do you say to that?"Tenshie asked them. "It's ok with me but what about you Alaric??"Rogue asked him.
"Tenshie?" "No don't be silly you two don't have to pay a penny it's all on the house since Rogue is pratically family and that I'd do anything for her and any friend of her's is a friend of mine, so you two can eat, drink and stay the night for free." "Can you really do that? Even if it seems unfair to the other customers?" Rogue asked Tenshie. "It's fine don't worry about it and I mean it, it's all on the house for you two!" "Thank you Tenshie" She said as she hugged him "So what wil it be? Single or share?"
"Well we're here" said Rogue as she opened the tavern door and walked in "Hello Tenshie?" "Is that you Rogue? Come on in, come in child close the door and who's that person with you? Your husband?" Tenshie asked. "Oh no no Alaric isn't my husband, he's a friend and we need food, rest and a place to lay low from the king's soilders" Rogue told him. "Filthy solider scum, they will never pass my door into my home, I'll have the cook whip up some food and I'll ready your rooms... oh do you two want to share or have sperate rooms?" "Oh umm... Alaric what do you think?" She asked.
"Oh Sorry I forgot to mention that the owner is called Tenshie *embrassed laugh* I suppose I should've mentioned it earlier"
"There it is, I'm sure Tenshie will be happy to see us"