OOC: Yay thank you, so can I have a recap before I start?
May I join please? Username: Axelforever Name: Neriser Age: 117 Gender: Female Human or Elf: Elf Weapon: Kunai Main Class: Mage Secondary class: Archer Peaceful or fighting: Fighting Other: For a fighter she is extremly shy Appearance:
ok your in ^_^
The orphanege has been around for years and it is the only home you have ever known and you'd rather be somewhere else since the orphan-master is mean and hates children, but the orphanege is a big building with tones of rooms to play and hide in with a big garden included in the orphanege's grounds... along with a secret room hiden beneath a boulder where the children usually go. Rules:- 1) Relationships are allowed. Age limit: PG13 2) Yoai and yuri are allowed. 3) You're only allowed to have up to 4 character each. 4) Character age limit is 19. Name: Age: Reason why your character/s been orphaned: Bio: Appearance: Also to fully apply you must send me a messege telling that you've joined so no asking to join just do your character and tell me that you have then start asap... ok? good ^_^ Name: Sukai Matsuyama Age: 17 Reason why your character/s been orphaned: Both parents died when she was still a baby Bio: Since her mother died during child birth and her father died not long after she has been in the orphanege for years never been able to get out, but it wasn't all bad she found a huge room underground and the entrance is protected by a boulder which really isn't that heavy so Sukai spends most her time there. Appearance: Name: Shigura Hikari Age: 78 Bio: He's the orphan-master and has been for years, don't let the loveable old man look fool you he's a sour old man and dislikes children but it's the only job he can do that's why he's orphan-master! Appearance: Name: Yumi Haroshuki Age: 16 Reason in Orphanege: Both his parents died. Bio: When Yumi was 6, his dad died. His dad died when they were walking down the street during a bad storm, heading home and then a tree snapped and fell on his dad. His mom died when Yumi was 12. She caught a very serious disease that had no cure. She died 3 days later. After both his parents were dead, the people from the orphanege brought him there. Apperance:http://media.photobucket.com/image/yuki%20guy/Paine57/Hot%20Anime%20Guy/SK_Yuki.jpg?o=14 Except with blue eyes and dirty-blonde hair.
OOC: Sorry that I've been gone awhile it's just the interenet was very dodgy for ages and I was painting my room aswell, so can I have a recap please..?
"Wai... um, I feel for makeing her cry. I do feel as though I know her from somewhere but I can't really say and why did she say that I love or loved her?"
Daisuke blacked out but when he came round he couldn't remember who Rikka was. "Who are you?" he asked her "Where am I?"
"If Maleifcent ever takes control of me I want to be killed!!!!!!!" Daisuke told everyone in the room.
"I think I've just lost one of my memories!?"
"Yea you can look after Rikka and protect her if I end up being controlled by Maleifcent" Daisuke kinda sorta asked.
OOC: I know BIC: "Thank you Rikka I love you so much I'd do anything to protect you" *kisses her softly*
"Please don't let me forget myself, I don't wanna forget Rikka or be controlled by Maleficent I'm begging you Zexion!!!" *grab's his and screams*
Daisuke looked very frightened "So what you're saying is I'm screwed either way?" *fall's to the floor in pain* "ARRR!! My head I feel like something is attacking me from inside my head, Rikka please help me!"
OOC: Gotta go see ya's later.
"Yea, I have alot I feel so strange I don't know what's wrong with me."
"Yea, why do you ask?" *looks confused*
"I don't know what she put in me I just know it's sick and wrong and I swear it's moving!!!!" *start's eating rapidly*
"Whoa, that's alota food!"
"Anything I don't mind what you pick you know I'm not fussy like most guy's" *laughs*
*Pull's away and smiles at her* "Umm, would it be possible if I could get something to eat??" Daisuke asked trying to look like a puppy dog.