This thread is obivously fantasy but with a little twist, yes the characters are special and there are fiends, monsters and dragons ect. It's like medievil times but the tech is advancanced (yeah i know nothing special there but this is all for fun which you'll already know lol).The story is set in a city which is named Silver Plate the king that rules is not a nice man he is cruel and deseatful, so there is a rebelion Rules:- 1. Keep everything as PG13. 2. Any kind of relationship such as yaoi hentie ect, is allowed as long as it's PG13. 3. No god mode you MUST have a weekness. 4. You are only allowed up to 4 characters. 5. Kingdom Hearts and other exsisting characters are also allowed as long as the apperance isnt the actual character. 6. Your character/s are allowed a pet you are only allowed two pets (yes that means for each character that you have). 7. You may chose rebel for your group and not have to join the rebelion if you dont wish it Name: Age: Power: Apperance: Group: (your allowed to be in more than 1 group) Jock Popular Emo/Goth Scene Kid Rebel Outcast Member of the resistance or other: (you may state a reason why you joined or other) Pet: (if youve choosen to have one it can be anything) Bio: Played By: Rebel Leader: Rogue Because i dont usually keep track of whats happening due to long amounts of time off the computer because of cosplaying with friends you may have to send me a messege askin to join and have show your character details ok? ok and sorry for any confusion. Name: Rogue Age: 16 Power: Water and Thunder Apperance: Group: Emo, outcast, rebel Member of the resistance or other: resistance member. reason for joining: the king killed her brother. Pet: heartless shadow named Dylan. Bio: Rogue lived with her mother, father and her little brother Near, it wasnt a happy life but it was peaceful and they all liked it that way, but it could not last the king wanted their tax but they could not pay so he the son removed from the house and killed by haveing his heart removed. Because of this Rogue joined the resistance, she is second in command. Rogue also uses a bladed ring Played By: Axelforever Name: Alaric Age: 18 Power: Telekenisis and teleportation Appearance: Black hair that goes almost shoulder length, brown eyes, dresses completely in black(black pants, boots, shirt). He's tall(about 6 feet) and pretty thin...although he usually calls himself lean. Group: (your allowed to be in more than 1 group): Rebel, Outcast Member of the resistance or other: (you may state a reason why you joined or other) Pet: A falcon that he calls Trouble. Bio: His family was killed for the entertainment of the king. He joined the rebellion knowing he couldn't fight back on his own. Played By: ArchAwesomeman Name: Daisuke Age: 17 Power: fire Apperance: Group: Outcast Member of the resistance or other: Resistance member Pet: White wolf called Blanca Bio: After his hometown was burnt down by the King's army he joined the rebelion and was nicknamed "The Irony Guy" because of the irony of his hometowns fate. Played By: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Norah Age: 16 Power: Air/Wind Apperance: girls/butterfly.gif Group: Rebel/Outcast Member of the resistance or other: Resistance Pet: Pearle (a black ferret with silvery-white eyes), she usually climbs on Norah's shoulder. Bio: Her mother died during child birth, and her father was forced to serve in the king's army. Played By: Vertigo Haven Name: Katie Age: 17 Power: Water Apperance: Pic. Group: (your allowed to be in more than 1 group) Popular, Jock, Scene kid Member of the resistance or other: (you may state a reason why you joined or other) Resistance, she joined because Rina did. Pet: (if youve choosen to have one it can be anything): N/A Bio: Rina's older sister.She's happy, athletic, and popular, but she keeps an eye on Rina because she's worried about her. Played By: Polka Dot Name: Rina Age: 15 Power: Invisibility. Apperance: Pic. Group: (your allowed to be in more than 1 group): Emo, Outcast Member of the resistance or other: (you may state a reason why you joined or other): Resistance Pet: (if youve choosen to have one it can be anything): A monkey named Bo. Bio: Katie's little sister. She gets tired of Katie always keeping an eye on her. Played By: Polka Dot Name:Linax Age:19 Power:gravity and air Apperance (cant draw so ill discribe him) green cloak with black gloves and goggles on top of his head black jeans with a black vest Group:Outcast,Rebel Member of the resistance or other:Resistance Pet: a green baby dragon named gravitation Bio:Linax cannot forgive the king for killing his sister and mom and with his dad gone linax wanted revenge Played By: kingsora Is it not too late to join? Name: Kayligh (Kay for short) Age: 15 Power: illusion Apperance: Group: Rebel and Outcast Member of the resistance or other: Resistance as she hated the king and had always wanted someone nice to rule Pet: Neoshadow called Ienzo Bio: Kayligh has been an orphin since the age of 8 and sicne then she hardlys talk and when she dose talk its very quiet and had become very timid. The only words she can speek properly is "he left me" relating to something that happend when she was young. She is looking for her only family member that had survived from the "accident" which she believes wasn't really an accident. And she is on the run from a woman who wants her for her power. Played By: Sora N Roxas Rock Name: Hayligh (Hay for short) Age: 15 Power: Fire Apperance: Group: Popular and Rebel Member of the resistance or other: Resistance as she hated the king and because she thinks he killed her family Pet: Dancer (Nobody) called Edmy Bio: Hayligh is the louder of the two and has always looked after her yournger twin. Even though she is a popular she stops everone picking on her sister and tells them that even when she isn't there Kayligh will still be safe. Hayligh is also looking for their long lost brother. Played By: Sora N Roxas Rock Name: Daxma Age:17 Power:Lightning and agility Appearance:Spiky Blond hair,Dark blue eyes,A black Jacket,Black t-shirt,Black cargo pants(not puffy),Back boots and black gloves.All the pockets were Steel plated.Carries guitar on his back.Has something like an iPod which Plays Music to Mimic his mood.Animal I've Become has become feared when he is near because of how it mimics his uncontrollability. Group:Outcast,Rebel Member of the Resistance or Other:Resistance Pet:A giant White Dragon called Quick Silver because of it's speed. Bio:Is a rogue Resistance member that jumps from building to building within the city and if he can possibly hinder the king he will.His Parents were taken away at a young age and he used his emotions from that day to perfect his powers.He discovered a giant White Dragon outside the boundaries of the city.It was lonely,just like himself so they came together as there only friends.Daxma named the Dragon "Quick Silver". Played By: Daxma
OOC: Name: Chronos Age: 16 Power: None Apperance: Bio: Chronos was in the same foster home as Charm and developed an interest in her and wants to be more than friends, she also has no powers just skill when she fostered her foster parents were actually ninja's and trained Chronos to be one herself. She is a hyper confident happy teenager ninja that is totally in love with Charm. Group: Scene Kid, Rebel House Number: 1098 Played By: Axelforever Chronos had just walked into the area that was Sixteen Candles, suitcase in 1 hand, area map and house keys in the other "Um... I wonder where house 1098 is, also I wonder if any of the resedents know where Charm lives I would like to see her again." Charm didnt know how she turned into a cat but, she felt that she could turn back into her human self so she really concitrated and she began to glow, then after the bright light she had turned human "YAY!!! it worked Im...Im human wohooo! Im...*grumble* Im hungry hehe, I wonder whats in the fridge" Charm headed back to her wonderin if she might see her friend Emm
OOC: hey whats been happening?
After passed out for so long Charm finaly awoke with no memory of what had happened only knowing the detail that she had transformed into a cat
OOC: hey whats haapening???
OOC: whats happening??
OOC: hey everyone whats been happening?
OOC: hiya everyone um... so whats been happening????
OOC: Hey everyone sorry i got banned off the computer for a few days so what have i missed???
OOC: whoa a lots happen speaking of which what has happened?
OOC: Later i have to go now im literally being kicked off the comp like usual so bye-bye hugs for all (quick BIC)BIC: *Again Charm passed out into a deep slumper unkowning if she would wake up again* OOC:
ARRRRRRRRRRRRR *she screamed in horror* oh my arr how... how am i cat? Hitai are you ok? you dont look so good *Charm was starting to get worried about him
Caurse i talk its me Charm *She told Hitai* and Emm what do you mean? how am i cat?
Huh? i know why im freaking out but why is Emm freaking out? *Charm asked*
*Charm started to come round and awoke in Hitai's lap*Nyan... whats happened to me? * she was begining to freak out*