Oh. The pic didn't look real.
And in The Hall of the Cornerstone, theres a portal that takes you to Terra. Then you fight him.
Hi. How are you.
Your profile is cool.
Good. I'm watching this vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0nX9GX1hrU
Hi. How are you
Every body go to this link thats my friend. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=2656424#post2656424
Sorry every body, but I can't go on for a while. I'll miss my best friends Magick and scared_heart634. Sorry about every body else that I couldn't finish writing about. I'll try sneaking on when I can. I'll also miss talking with my friends. I won't forget my friends. Your Friend, ultma roxas
Your welcome.
Yes, I'm sure.
DPWolf, I want to be your friend.
I'm okay I guess.
I can too.
Hi, how are you?
Hi, haven't talked to you in a while.
I am. I'm chatting with you.
Nothing. just chatting with you.
Hi,how are you?
Yay, you're back.