Why I love this song so damn much?
No One Wants Your fucking Ratings. Mods can go ahead and close/delete.
Trees are tall and pretty Like he- Oh...oh wow.
Meant to look like tripping balls, or if you feel so inclined, a painting of some lady totally tripping balls. cnc or whatever.
"Oh my god...I have a tail. Wtf." "You're an alien and I'm your brother. Can't you see by my long flowing black hair that goes on for miles and the tail belt I've fashioned out of my own flesh?" "I-" "I'm stealing your son to get you to help me destroy the planet." "Uh-" "**** year, bye" "Alright, see you later...wait no. HOLY **** YOU'RE GREEN!!! WTF!? WHAT THE ****ING HELL!? GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" "Goku, I'm Piccilo, I want to destroy Raditz who stole your son to get you to destroy Earth where we all live." "Dude I'm like totally tripping balls." "Indeed. I'm green, my turban weighs more then a horse, Krillan's short. Let's go kick ass." "Makes sense." *Goku and Piccilo fly(Wait, what?) to an unknown yet majestic location that goes on for thousands of miles, and is not even possible to form on the surface of earth, yet somehow is always with a short flying distance of anywhere on the planet* "Raditz, we want the boy." "Oh ho ho, child molestation can get you arrested you know." "No seriously, we want him." "He's in my satin testicle of a ship over there in that massive crater, taking a nap. You can go get him after I murder you." "Again, makes sense." *Fight scene ensues, in which Goku and Piccilo punch Raditz very hard, and at very fast speed, yet somehow Raditz just dodges and flips them off as he spins his head and whips them with his hair.* "That stings man." "That's what she said." "Well this is just ridiculous. ZAPPY BEAM CANNO-HOLY **** MY ARM!!! AHHH!!! OH MY GOD!!! YOU CUT MY ****ING ARM OFF!!! AAAHHH!!! I'm okay again. SPECIAL BEAM CANNON!!!" *Super laser attack that Piccilio pulled out of his forehead flies and shoots Goku, killing him instantly. Raditz implodes minutes later.* *Piccilo goes and gets Gohan, then transports him to a somehow different massive remote location that goes on for thousands of miles but it's like right over there. Probably molests him, but we'll never know.* "I'm training you because in one year the Saiyans are coming to destroy Earth and play with my dragonballz." "Won't my Mom be a bit worried when Dad doesn't come back and I'm gone for a year?" "She'll have to deal. And your Father comes back in one year for some unknown reason." "That's cool." "I'm training you now." *Piccilo does his thing* "I'm trained." "You are." *One year later, the Sayans arrive in their satin testicles, and jump out, surprising everyone* "HUH? ****, we're we supposed to be training for this or something?" *One of the Saiyans, Nappa, kills 8 people without tiring, and strips down naked because...uh...* *Piccilo and Gohan fight, but Piccilo dies and Gohan is a failure, because obviously a years worth of training in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a small orange katana wasn't enough to survive a massive 800 pound naked alien desperately grabbing at his dragonballz.* *Goke Appears* *Nappa compulsively humps his own forehead until he dies* *Vegeta, the other saiyan begins fighting Goku.* "I'm stronger then you!" "No, I'm actually stronger!" "No I'm stronger! *Twitch*" "My penis is bigger! *Twitch!* "MINE HAS A JACUZZI AND MARGERITA BAR PRE-INSTALLED IN THE TV!!!" "I'm a monkey" "****, you won." "Random midget stabs Vegeta. Earth is saved, till the next alien threat coincidentally lands on Earth(Out of the several trillion other planets out there) and begins going Jackie Chan on our asses. Roll credits* I wrote this last February. Fun times.
Aristotle : What does it mean to be a good person? Descartes: What does it mean to be? Nietzsche: What does it mean? Bertrand Russel: What does IT mean? C.S. Lewis: What does it? Lil Jon: What?
Picture is only awesome if you've played the game.
Wanna get hitched? My Wife was stolen recently.
I just can't handle this anymore, will you marry me?
First use of the term all year.
Flood here kthx.
Come on guys, we can do it! I believe in us!
Shhh...it's supposed to be a surprise.
A challenge for the staff
This was mostly a photomanip, and I really manipulated the lightning more then anything else. (It's pretty large)Original pic: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f199/Cin999/Stocks/Drake.jpg cnc or whatever.
Why day b uh homsexual in yo sig *****? Dat shit b tight 'nd shit,
I need to replay an older Final Fantasy game, and I'm stuck between FF7 and FF9, I only have a week so I'll only be able to replay 1 by the time school starts. Cast your votes please kthx.
You know, KHV really improves with time.