Already turned off your computer :p and yeah but we will be by the percussion place which will stink
there you go complaing again
Some emos listen to punk as defined by wikipedia
He may be emo but now in his pic he has brown hair not to be emo even though he still complains He cried a long time after his girlfreind didnt want to dance with him but his freind and he always complains about one kid he has an emo notebook he also writes emo stuff on his tests and has a book on punk rock with emos in it
see that proves it you are emo
its ok everyone also calls you emo in school too you emo
yeah you havent been going on it at school you reallly seem bored usually u would always go on
they'll think about it but i bet it will never pass cause also to stop cyberbullying you might have to invade e-mails and stuff
That was hilarious though when Rodrigo just stole it and saw every picture in it and you couldnt do nothing...and he looked and you strange the rest of the day
i tell people i was askin sora 13 at school but he said POST ANYWHERE!
im makin this just to show what hes like at school this kinda is a poem* about school but it will get better with time yesterdays pic: Alex fell alseep in class Todays pic: ill make a story to go along with each pic when i was sitting in my desk... At the christmas party Who do i see walk in? Nothing but Sora 13 Then i look around his neck And i see... a jingle bell I couldnt bare to laugh and i said XD *Jingle Jingle Jingle* *my poems never ryhme
Well i know a kid who whenever someone does anything bad to him he calls it racist and he slaps them Slapped Count: 20
you dont seem to agree with other people in are school and you wish they would leave XD No offence
Dont copy what you mean? Im aware its a bad pic but you always sleep and i forgot the backpack you sleep on :l
That noise was freaky when you showed it to me with your ipod! wait was that the one he made or this forum made?
Its not plain its awesome now! :D
well idc anyways i was bored and drew pic of how u look in school... cause dats how you mostly are...idk why i put king as the name...
that was funny and if you did forget homework you would probably turn that in and be exused from it or you could turn it in as "english":lol:
so this is what you were drawin in that notebook drawin pics for all these people...i was going to say about that trigger one...
well i asked sora 13 aka alex where to post this and he said "anywhere"