well the science teacher just said today that alex needs to stop listening to music and thats why he never gets anything done so its da same as sleeping in a way
you get to be the vice president And alex even the gym teacher thinks youre the most poularest kid in school
its not n00bness everyone in school calls you cool to
Sora 13 is the most bestest member on this site he posts all the time he adds more and more to this site and this is the fanclub for people who are his freinds or fans :) Lets all give alex a round of appluase Sora 13 fanclub Next person to post gets to be vice president:)
Its not funny to make fun of new people that join your site when you were once new
carlos, josh and some other people
you get weird looks from everyone you hate
You fail at Social Studies
Gimmie da cookie and no one gets hurt:guns:
Let me help write it
also i really dont know what slitting means...quess i shouldnt seach it on wikepedia cause member last time anyways :sweatdrop: what did u send?
well chain mail is annoying so you shouldnt do it in the first place...
it was just a joke and its not like i really hate him
I never said that
People are gonna start calling you that now...or just me:rockdover:
i never use wikepedia though:stupid:
How was i supposed to know that? i just saw sora seach it on wikipedia
sora should o made e-m00b a choice
I was just saying what wikipedia said i dont know it thats true
That was actually us fighting but then another kid in our school just kept hitting the keyboard cause hes like that