Challenge accepted!!! xD Well, the sun is rising, (holy Santa Claus ****). I should get a little bit of sleep today. I'll probably be asleep...
That second one is awesome, I'll give you that. Sadly, I can't use it for this. It's not just the character, so I can't really cut her out...
Hells yeah! Perverted girls are the best ones... To tease. I love to trick those truly sick and twisted gals into thinking that I'm the same...
I want to meet this insanely perverted person... Wait. Boy or girl? O_O
The Yuki one didn't work. "404 Error" or some jazz like that.
Fady, you are, by no means, innocent. We both know that. xD Well, maybe more innocent than me... But that's kinda easy to do. :P
Well, uh... The tiny man might bite you! You never know! xD And, yesh, that's what I had in mind. Just give me a general idea of what you...
Hey, uh, by the way... Can I help you out with a new banner for your profile pic? I would love to use my new-found graphic design skills to some...
Why are you sorry? You didn't hurt me. You were only hurting yourself. Y'know, we're all lucky to have ol' Fady on our side. Without her,...
Welcome back, you emo *******! xD I joke, I joke! I kid, I kid! I need to stop reading other people's convos... But, regardless, I'm glad...
ZOMG!!! She's gone!!! No thumpity thump thump tonight!!!!!!!!!!!! O_O Wow. I'm crazy... Well, you already knew that. xD
God, I don't remember you being this motherly. O_< I guess it's for the best, like you said. I just hope that it never comes to that between...
Okay, okay. I feel like such an ass right now. I read all of what you said to ol' tummer, (twice, =D ), and I think that, once again, you have...
Wait. Don't you need a FULL name to use the Deathnote? Just curious...
Come on, man! Does it really matter if it's "earth" or "world?" I don't care! Do you? I hope not. 'Cause that would make you a petty person. xD
Noooooo... I will CLONE MYSELF!!! Ha ha! I win! Actually... Aw, crap. It won't matter. I'll still die. Plus, the clone would technically...
You suck. Like, dude. Yeah. *bows head and cries* At least it will be over quick... *reaches sudden realization* Aha!!! I know a way that I...
He's going to go onto my profile and you just put my name on there twice. Good job. xD