Hey! You never get on Skype anymore... *sniffsniff* Meany... By the way, did my video rep work? I forgot to say that it was from me... I...
So, uh... Yeah. xP
Oh. That's understandable. xD I think that I'm going to stop using my computer for games, so I got a relatively slow, small computer. It has a...
[IMG] This is what my new computer looks like. No joke. It is freaking tiny. Kinda hard to type on, but I'm already getting used to it......
Good to know, thanks! xD I just do it 'cause I did it once and it looked cool. But you're right: it's overkill. However, you must have the...
[IMG] What does my buddy Fady think?
LOL "Gpod?" WTF is "gpod?" Is that like a gangtsa iPod? xD
Yeah, I hope that it doesn't do this to you. That would just be plain unnecessary and cruel. Dx Gpod luck to you, Fady!!!
Whoa! It just started POURING!!! It's really loud, too... I can barely hear my fingers hittng the keys on my keyboard!
Well then. There ya go. xP The thunder and lightning and a little bit of rain is still going on here, so meh. I like it. I wouldn't stand...
Yays for ADHD!!! xD I must shake your hand for actually coming up with an accurate diagnosis for me. >.< *shakes hand* I appreciate it... I need to post in the Spamzone more often, make more friends... I am such a hermit... <.< >.> Did anyone see me?
Well, it was sprinkling earlier today up here, so maybe you'll get a little bit of rain later. Let's hope not, for your sake... xD
Me back. :P So, MSN instead of Skype?
Not much here, either. Had to get a new computer, seeing as my old one finally died. Dx So, for the fifth or sixth time, I've had to start all...
Sup, Mikey?!
Uhhhh... Because school in general sucks? OMG. Thunderstorms!!!! It's so exciting! Flash! Boom! I love thunderstoms... xD
Well, then, uh... BLARGH. You win this time, Fady. I'll be better than you someday...!!!
I did it that way so tht when people send me a VM, they see the message. I mean, c'mon. I think that it goes without saying that people are...
Guess who's back??? If you didn't see the message on my profile, you should read it now. It will explain all. But in any case, I have...
Guys, I have some bad news. My computer blew up, (figuratively), this morning and I might not be able to get on for a very long time. In fact, I...