There's a DEMO?! :O I must get it. Where can I obtain this demo?! Speak!!!!!!!!!!!
Just letting you know that I will take a little bit of time to get my lines in to you. I have a lot of school work to catch up on. Just FYI... xD
'Sup? xD What are you doing...?
Pfft. :P I actually got it on there by breaking my battery. >.< You might succeed if you do it, though... Well, I think that, if you have...
You exist. Isn't that just cause enough to bash on you? xD
You suck. Seriously. Blah. En la cara. . . . I'm just kidding... Or am I? O_O Fufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufu... xD
Hey. Just wanted to apologize about what I said on MSN. I should've heard you out before flaming you like that. So, sorry. Other than that,...
Well, yeah... I wouldn't post it if it wasn't true. Unlike most other forum-goers, (if it's not true for you, then I'm not referring to you), I don't lie when I'm online. So... Yeah. Guard had to bash a guy's face for trying to stab him with a Sephy sword. xD
*pulls face out of Mog pillow's belly* Awwwww... *puts on puppy-dog eyes* Can I keep my Mog pillow? I neeeeed Moggie. If I don't get it I will asplode. That happens to me sometimes... *rolls off of Mog pillow and snuggles underneath it* Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
Totally. xD
You can't make me.
Blah. En la cara. You should get eaten by a giant Sora statue. Okay? Okay. Okay? Okay. Okay? Okay. Okay? Okay. Okay? Okay. Okay?...
Skype. Now, mortal. xD
*looks around and realizes that nobody's making sense* Huh? Who are we bashing now? People who say "shut up?" Or the people we're saying "shut up" to? I'm so confused........ *buries face in Mog pillow's belly and sings a parody of the Advent Children version of One-Winged Angel*
@Bluejay917: There was a popular YouTube video trend for Sephiroth, (like the whole Shoop Da Whoop thing now), back when Crisis Core came out. Late 2007, I think. I can't remember. I was in the SF Playstation Store the day it came out, but didn't stay for the opening. In fact, the whole YouTube trend started there... Anyway, some guy came to the opening dressed up as Sephiroth, sword and all. He got arrested for brandishing said sword at one of the security guards when they said he couldn't go in with something that massively dangerous, (as it was made of metal). So guess what he tried to do with it? He lunged at the guard to STAB HIM WITH IT. The greatest part was that the guard had been warned that this very thing would happen. (I had asked one of the PS Store people why people were dressing up and lined up around the Metreon. He talked my ear off about Crisis Core, security issues, and the myriad of FFVII figures that were being hidden behind a curtain. O_O ) So, the guard pushed the stabbing sword away and smashed the guy's face with his nightstick. xD And as the Sephy-wannabe was getting dragged away, bloodied face and all, he yelled, "LONG LIVE NUMBER 666!!!" The number 666 is usually associated with Satan, the Antichrist, and Hell, so a YouTube member posted video after video after video about how Sephiroth is the Son of Satan. He also said something along the lines of how any number that has a 6 for every digit is included in referring to Satan, Hell, and, as of the night of that opening, Sephiroth. I was level 66. You got it, right? >.> <.< . . . . . . xD
No problemo! xD And, uh... No. I meant the Sephy fight in Mt. Nibel's reactor. He stabs the glass that you're standing on and you can't get...
As I recall, missions are your friend. xD Level up with those and try again. Oh, and Thundaga, Firaga, and Blizzaga are the WORST way to go...
Sam! You gotta tell me when you are on! What hours! Are you on in the morning?! Evening?! Night?! TELL MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
*snuggles with Aerith plushie next to Bluejay917* I'm gonna make a plushie group...
I used the one that gave you Berserk Charge. (I forget which one that is...) I used Trinity Limit, then bashed him with my Berserked attacks until my MP recharged. Rinse and repeat. xD And, of course, RUN WHEN HE'S ON THE RAMPAGE WITH THE METEORS. Other than that... That's how I beat him at level 66. Funny... 66... Sephiroth... Just a thought there.