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  1. Maxix
    Neisa nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "Think way then." She pointed the way the demons had followed the people. A quick flick of her finger and safety was off again. She took off running, leaving the area behind her fast. The screams of people could be heard again, getting louder as she got closer. She spotted a demon at the back of the group; raising her gun, she pulled the trigger.
    Post by: Maxix, Feb 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Maxix
    She hesitated before answering, "I'm not really much of a killer though..." She looked over to where the fallen demon was, her stomach twisting into knots. The areas around had been destroyed, there were still more demons. Neisa tightened her grip on the gun. "I-I'll help." she stuttered, "Oh...and my name is Neisa, Neisa Sakurai."
    Post by: Maxix, Feb 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Maxix
    Neisa slowly lowered the gun all the way and turned 'safety' on. "I won't shoot." she responded, watching him cautiously. Again she scanned the area, satisfied that no demons were around, she turned back to Nox, waiting for him to speak.
    Post by: Maxix, Feb 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Maxix
    She scanned the area again, the now dead demon lied in a lifeless crumple on the road. Other then that, the area seemed clear for the moment. Her eyes snapped into attention as she heard footsteps coming her direction. Gingerly, she lowered the gun and watched the approaching figure.
    Post by: Maxix, Feb 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Maxix
    Neisa spotted a large red-skin demon by some cars. Aiming the gun carefully, she shot off a few bullets at where a car's, that was near the demon, gas tank would be. The fourth bullet made contact, causing the car to explode.
    Post by: Maxix, Feb 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Maxix
    At the first sign of attack, everyone began to panic. Neisa jumped up and headed to the window to see what was the matter. Outside, demons had begun to attack the city; she saw a group approaching and said the first thing that she could think of, "Oh. Crap." She instructed everyone to hide in the back, unless they could fight. A small group followed her as she ran out the door, standing in front of the store to defend those inside; a gun from a fallen fighter slid over towards her and she picked it up, no longer without weapon. If the situation got out of hand, she would resort to her strength.
    Post by: Maxix, Feb 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Maxix
  8. Maxix
    She swiftly dodged passing people as she ran full speed to work. Along the way she passed a singer in front of a store but couldn't afford to lose time. The door the the thrift shop open with a loud bang as it nearly got knocked off it's hinges from Neisa's push. She quickly took her place behind the checkout counter, earning glares from nearby customers.
    Post by: Maxix, Feb 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Maxix
    Profile Post

    Nuuuuuuu! GUESS WUT.

    Nuuuuuuu! GUESS WUT.
    Profile Post by Maxix for Vladimir Makarov, Feb 3, 2010
  10. Maxix
    ((I'm guessing I'm accepted...?))

    The ringing of an alarm clock loudly echoed off the walls of a room. Neisa sleepily turned it off and sat up. She hesitantly got up and walked away from bed. A quick glance at the clock showed she was going to be late if she didn't hurry. She began to get dressed and ready in a panicked speed; as soon as she finished dressing, Neisa shoved some breakfast in her mouth as she ran out the door. The travel time would be more than halved if she sprinted; as she did.
    Post by: Maxix, Feb 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Maxix
  12. Maxix
  13. Maxix
  14. Maxix
  15. Maxix
  16. Maxix
  17. Maxix
  18. Maxix
  19. Maxix
  20. Maxix
    He took a few steps in the direction Namine had pointed. "Is anyone else coming?" Sora wondered aloud.
    Post by: Maxix, Jan 29, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home