can i be vexen and xaldin?
soory im late i just discover this but can i be xigibar and xaldin pleas..?
im so sorry im late i just disoverd it but can i have the sharpshooter and the the whirwind lancer pleas?
yeah alright but i made it from evry single mode and uses cheat codes for deadly enz. so im still going easy normal hard proud king critcial deadly and he''s still getting harder and its fun if you use tifa & cloud as partner and whats those pwing sephiroth so trhats too fun :)
[yeah now i can beat (on another way) data demyx yeah! can someone please post the code i cant find it and it ooks like a so good code pleas can sombody please post the code in one of its commens
cool codes
nice codes but yeh the game is really easy only im stuck at sandmanhe's stupid!
can somobdy give me the codebreaker terra code please and the code where bosses are your allys i want to have marly fight with me Goooo marly
i made a safe file for him LOL so i can fight him over and over and over and over and its still fun
looks cool codes but can you the bosses ally codes pleaze do into codebreaker format pllzz i have been looking 8 weeks for those codes now i endless find them and the are for AR max plz do the bosses ally code in codebreaker format
but whatss the code then?
10! blabla
be a good wolf DP! 8
it was the coolest beggingin ever! and Marly is still ALIVE? well.....Go Marly
can i be Marluxia??
you know the where nothing gathers code? pleaz i need it im in search of it 8 weeks