could sombody make a code to have hooded mickey in party?
then count Dooku landed and look around himself ''this is not what i expexted'' Battle droids kill all the people here with this planet my master would be happy, but the battle droids didt come Count Dooku realise himself that he was alone...... OOC:YEAH!!
can someone please change oathkeeper (from antiforms with final moveset) into ultima waepon
may i have a chance to be count Dooku?
hay :) i have a question in cloudstrifes Code Legends V.1 there was a code that (in the Tiny cutscene you steal roxas keyblades) that tiny cutscene in your shortmenu was. can someone please post that code? and i have seen its too possible to have revarsel in your command menu. i really want those codes.
heya :) it is me again :) i have a question in antiweapons vid there's a code that make's antiforms second weapon oathkeeper now can please sombody change this to ultima for me.
i try it too but the only 2 word that i can read in the error are 100KB and RE:COM i shall try it again but i dont think it will work
first i think: marluxia with a little bit spamming of his rose spell he could kill them easely two:Axel he could easely go to their back and then attack third:Vexen because first of you have to defeat his shield and then the oringal Vexen and he have the help of antiform
could sombody help me i have a swap magic i have more then 100 KB free but RE:COM wont safe can please sombody help me cause i want it to save
srry but i havent found a thread of the game
can sombody please answer
its me again! :) i have a 2 questions -do you need a japanese ps2 to save kingdom hearts Re:COM -(if it dont) how much space does it take from your mermory card? i have the game but cant safe :( Anyone wants to help?
well hello there :) this is a RPG inspired by me tymaca this is little bit a story about member 14 but sadly evrything goes wrong when she arrived there are a couple of org. people dead where under Xemnas Larxene Luxord and Saix P.S.member 14 is a girl and her name is Xion the story: When Xion had a look at the huge building around her she walked farther into the darknes... then a man dressed in a black coat came too her she doesnt know it was Zexion Zexion:Who are you and what are you doing here? member 14 Zexion:Well you need to come with me, now! Xion:why? Zexion:The Superior is coming! Xion:whos the Superior? Zexion and Xion see a shadow coming out the darkness Zexion: HURRY! Xion keeps starring at the shadow Then the shadow says:HAHAHA i am the leader of organisation XII X... Then a rose came shooting direct in hes chest It was Marluxia and he graps directly hes chance Marluxia: Im marluxia leader of organisation XII! Zexion:Marluxia?? Marluxia whisperd: Shut your mouth or you will join the Superior They tree where going to there old hidout Castle Oblivion Xion:is this how you always greet a member? Marluxia:usally not you can join if you want of course:) here are the characters Vexen: Lexuaes: Marluxia:Me Zexion: Xaldin: Roxas: Axel: Demyx: Xigbar: Xion: Repliku: Cloud: Leon: Tifa: Yuffie Aerith: rules: -No godmodding -no killing without users permission and my permission -Not more than two characters -if you join you must post in a week if you dont your character will be deleted (sorry must i want this tread to stay active!)
can sombody post the room of sleep room mod i need it
anyone a full party code? i had one but it doest work:( any one that just works?
limit form with magic (so normal sora) and if possible antiform and final form
can someone give me the model modiferer mod i need it :(