the lilo and stich world really seems awsome!! just one question and maybe its stupid but are there missions you have the option to chose the character that you want to play
it would be more handy if you asked for codes specialiffy (or however you spell it) i mean common there are so much good codes around here
yeeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you so much!!!
is here still a role open?
that was not exactly what i meant. since that vid still uses a no$gba emulator and with that emulator you cant put on codes. like the visualboyadvance emulator comes with a build in codebreaker and gameshark. i need a ds emulator with a build in action replay or somthing like that. like that wield roxas vid above. since i only dont know where to click to enter the cheats.... Still thx
could someone please tell me witch emulator you guys are using? no download link needed but just to check out. i use the no&gba emulator but that doesnt come with the abbility to use cheats/codes. so plz just give me a name of a emulator with the abbility for cheats/codes i wanna test them out :) BTW:im sorry if this was too much emulator talk for the staff. but i just want this problem solved
Awsomenes really can i just ask you one thing -i want to use it but could you make my name on it? in the left corner please? dont mind how my name looks
rihanna-disturbia bam bam bidam bam bam bidam dam (whats wrong with me) bam bam bidam (why do i feel like this) bam bam bidam dam (im going crazy now) no more gas in the rig (can even get it started) nothing heartd nothing said (cant even speak about it) all my life on my head (dont wanna think about it) feels like i am going insane yeah eh its a thief in the night to come and grap you (oooh) it can creep up inside you and consume you a disease of the mind it can control you (its too close for comfort) ohohoh (your mind is in) disturbia its like the darkness is the light disturbia am i scaring you tonight distubia aint used to what you like disturbia disturbiaaaa bam bam bidam bam bam bidam dam bam bam bidam bam bam bidam dam faded pictures on the wall its like there talking to me disconeted all phone calls (the phone dont even ring) i gatta get out o figure the sh*t out its too close for comfort oooohh its a thief in the night to come and grap you (oooh) it can creep up inside you and consume you a disease of the mind it can control you (its too close for comfort) ohohoh realese me from this curse i am in trying to remain tame but im struggeling if you cant goooohhh think im ganna weh weh weeh (i feel like a monster) ooooohh its a thief in the night to come and grap you (oooh) it can creep up inside you and consume you a disease of the mind it can control you (its too close for comfort) ohohoh bam bam bidam bam bam bidam dam bam bam bidam dam bam bam bidam dam dam diam dam disturbia ooohh (all typed by me:))
searc it on esnips thats pretty handy its a mugen called mugen (defult) i know thats misspelling but....doest think it matter so i think thats it
Just give me a sec. YOU PLAY MUGEN???? ME TOO :) and yes i really have already much
not to replace mods dale and mods chip i know the digits page..
count dooku flew away from the lightning but then strike's also with lightning. Count dooku said: Young well......Alright i call you padawan i dont know whos your master but you dont fight like a jedi and young padawan NO THE SITHS ARE NOT EVIL they fight for justice against the evil rebellion OOC:jets lightning vs counts lightning XD
Please help me guys
can please sombody give me the hall cornerstone digits (mods dale and mods chip)? i have a couple of them but when i activate them welll.... nothing appears? so can sombody help me? thanks in advange
I dont have long to think about this *thinks for 20 min.* THAT WAS NOT LONG! XD Alright i think i be Saix strong and sombody who cant shut his mouth.. yeh thats defentily me
then count dooku see's bobba fighting with Jet ''do you fail me again Bobba Fett?'' i hope so not count dooku knows whats happening (he see's the 2 fighting so ye he's not dumb) and start fighting and then said to Jet : i sense great fear in you, you have to learn the ways of a sith''
I hope they keep the voice actor from Axel But i dont think besauce all people are getting older.... But the way the voice actor says ''got it memorized'' is funny
i know he was too my favo char but he was good sure not bad but i love his flower powers so you are not the only 1
alright i think you do understand ''organisatoin XII coat mickey'' can sombody too please give me a 1000 heartless battle warp?
i mean ''coat'' mickey