? ?? ??? ???? I love you!
HEHE! So did you ask for anything special for Christmas?
XD Lawl! so how was your day??
Dude thats soooooooo coooool! XD im just white.... and i have no cool language... just english... and it doesn't sound as cool as Italian.... @Feenie- oH! i see. But why do pupils get off? and not teachers too?
Dude you speak Italian? are you Italian????
to be honest.... i think he just wanted to make it fair~ now thats just my opinion.... but i dont think he was attacking, cause if he was.... he would have made it a closer range.
WHats inservice day?
hey! wats up... what did i miss? >due to the horrible school<
Yah yah! XD i still feel old!
This is the non-finished version of a story that im writing... i would love feedback! Everything i wished for was you~ I always wanted a big brother, i would always wish on my birthday candles, for christmas, when i still believed that santa was real, and that storks carried babies. But i got a little sister instead, not that i don't love her, i really do, but part of me always wanted that person to stand up to the bullies at school, for me... what if that wish actually came true? Well i guess you'll just have to read and find out. I rolled over in my bed and pressed the snooze button on my alarm clock, then rolled back over. I didn't want to go to school today, because I knew that what waited for me there, was nothing but trouble and pain. I had some of the worst enemies that you could think of! And no one would believe me, well except my parents and my friends. I heard foot steps coming up the stair case, i moaned. My dad was coming to wake me up. "Good mourning Terry, time for school." my dad said. He flipped the lights before he left and that ment get up. I rolled over, sat up and stretched before walking to my closet, my hard wood floors were kinda cold, but then again it was the middle of November. I wabbled over to the closet light and turned it on, i fumbled through my clothes. Finding something that looked cold proof. I through on a pink sweater, it had a flower pattern sown on it, then throw on some jeans, and made my way to our bathroom. "Good mourning Terry!" my little sister Sammy said, her real name is Samantha, but i call her Sammy. I yawned before answering, "Mourning! Did dad wake you up too?" I rubbed my eyes. I took my toothpaste and started to brush my teeth, while Sammy told me her wake up story. "Yah! and he threw a pillow at my head, then he turned on my light and shouted 'Wake up!' and then said get ready for school." she folded her arms over her chest. She had her hair half up, her light brown curls were hanging just over her shoulder, while the rest of them were in a half pigtails. I spit out my toothpaste and rised, " Yah, he gave me a rude awakening too. I really don't want to go to school." I brushed my hair, took a ponytail band and threw my hair up. Im not what you call, the pretty-up-tight girl! i prefer to look natural and not so peppy! "Oh SHOOT! i forgot all about my algebra 2 homework!" i racked my head and ran out of the bathroom. "Where is the fire?" My mom asked as i came flying down the stairs. I stopped, "Huh? Oh, i forgot to do my Algebra 2 homework and i have to finish some of it before the bus gets here!" I ran to the kitchen and opened my book bag, shuffled through my books, which some of them i have yet to study for my test and quizzes i have today. "What, i don't get number 7.... or 9.... or 15.... ok, ask Liz about the homework." I threw my stuff in my bag and grab some breakfast, when i heard my bus pull up. I shouted up the stairs, "bye mom! im going to school!" i ran out the front door and locked it. I ran to the bus, barely holding down my breakfast, cause of my nerves stomach. "Hello, Mrs. Rockbord." i said as i passed the bus driver. "Good mourning Terry, how are we?" She asked. "Im good. How about you?" I asked as i sat down in the seat behind her. "Oh im good, just getting use to this cold. So are you doing anything for Thanksgiving?" She asked. She started the bus and drove down the street. "Um... just staying local, possible some family coming over, but it depends on what all their plans are. You?" I asked. I fiddled with my Algebra, i knew Liz was still ten minutes away, so i would have to figure out the problems, or wait. "Well, my husbands family is coming in from Indiana, and my cousin is coming from Florida, to visit my new niece. So we are going to have a nice family visit." She said. I looked up from my homework, "Oh i didn't know you had a new niece? How old is she?" I was kinda close to the bus driver, cause when no one would show up for school that was one of my friends, she would keep me company. "Oh yes, it was my sister, Judy, she is the cutest thing in the world. I tell everyone she looks like her mom, but they say her dad. She's turning one in December. She has the cutest black hair." She chuckled. I smiled. I remembered the first day I first saw my baby sister, i was 9 at the time, yes me and my sister are eight years apart, but she had the cutest brown hair and these big blue eyes, she was so cute. Still is but she takes it too far now, sometimes. "Thats so cool. So is this her first child? or does she have more?" " Oh yes, she has an older brother, he just turned two... in October. He was the cutest cowboy for Halloween. I keep saying cutest, oh but i think there just doll!" I nodded, i could have agreed, if i had kids... or a brother. i looked out the window and noticed we were at Liz's house. "Good mourning Liz, and how are you?" Mrs. Rockbord asked, as Liz got on the bus. " Im good, how about you?" Liz said. She had her hair pulled back into a braid, her blond hair was so cute like that, and her dark brown highlights really brought out her dark brown eyes. I still couldn't believe she didn't have a boyfriend. "Hey could you help me with Algebra?" I asked as Liz sat down next to me. She brushed her braided hair out of her way, "Sure! I actually understand algebra this time!" She laughed. "Geez... you are a math freak! How do you understand any of this stuff?" I asked, continued to joke with her. "Well, if you must know-" she stopped. I turned around to look. There she was, the queen of the school herself, Bianca Lindenwood. She was not only the prettiest girl in the whole school, but she was the most popular. If you wanted to hang in her group... lets just say you had to do some pretty nasty things to others and on top of that money. Yes the green stuff that all the richies have! "Well I knew today was going to be bad, and not just because I have Algebra homework to finish..." I said in my most depressing voice. "Jerk! She needs to get a life man! If I wouldn't get in trouble for punching that no good....Oh! She makes me so mad!" Liz shouted out. But not loud enough for anyone to hear. I put my arm around Liz, "Hey look at the bright side. She wont be able to buy her way into heaven." I winked, and started to laugh. Liz finally got what I said and joined in my laughing. We laughed as she tried to teach me algebra, even though it wasn't working, but we were just happy. When we finally reached school everyone seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere as soon as the bus stopped. Me and Liz walked down the halls and saw that everyone was staring at the bulletin board. "Wonder what that is about?' I asked. I felt my self walking towards the crowd of people. "Hey, what's this for?" I asked some random person. "Huh? Oh hi Terry, this is the sign up sheet for the christmas play, way in December, but everyone is signing up before the break." Thomas said. He was a childhood friend, who was always like a brother, but we were just friends. And besides he has a girlfriend, she's just in California. "What's up girl? Did you find out what the mad rush is about." Liz asked over my shoulder. I spun around to answer her, "Its for the Christmas play that is going on in December, before the break hits." I said as we started to walk down the hallway to our first class, which just happened to be algebra. As the day progressed nothing terrible new happened, but of course there had to be some drama right. Of course, at lunch today Bianca was walking down the stairs and one of the football team members was trying to caught a ball, but he missed and it fell right on her food, and it spilled all over her clothes and she screamed so loud, it was funny. By the end of the day, she had a new pair of clothes and everything, but she had her boyfriend go and yell at the poor guy that made her change her clothes. Course her boyfriend was the football captain, so it was easy for him to not get in trouble by the coach. "Man bianca is a jerk man! " I said as I walked to the door to the bus. "I know right, she is so mean, making her boyfriend go and tell that guy off. She's a royal pain." Liz said, as we sat down on the bus, Bianca come on right behind us. She tossed her perfect blonde straight hair, that had brown and a hint of red highlights over her shoulder and stopped right in front of us. "What? You have a staring problem? Of course i don't mind. but when losers like you look at me too long, my hair starts to get split ends." She spat I stared at her, in total amazement, that someone could be so stupid and so self-centered, as her. "Geez, you are stupid. I can't figure out how someone like Brian Long could fall for someone like you." I spat back.
well... Days is kinda proven in KH2, like the opening to Days is the same for KH2... there are connections! but because Days was made after KH2... that was the biggest mistake..... its hard to make everything click!
Kairi- YAY! ~bye~
I remember being a Sophomore! ~0~ oh the good-'ol-days!
Kairi- ....... uh... nothing! :) So does anyone like volleyball? I see a lot of open beach!
XD hahah! so your 15... so are you a..... Sophomore?
Kairi- heheh.... (thanks.... Zexy....) Thanks Aqua! *hugs her back* *looks over to Zexion/ Riku* So are you feeling better?
Im good. Not wanting to go to school tomorrow... but i have to! XD the good news is i only have two more weeks of it till my Christmas break! T^T...
HEY! there you new! Congrats! welcome to KH-Vids! i hope you have fun! now follow the rules and you'll make lots of friends! XD
like..... where you sick? (bug means like a virus or sickness)
Kairi- *shifts around* I-I... dont know................... (i wish riku was here, or even sora....) Thanks... Zexion....