Kairi- *blocks with a barrier* HAH, not today van! *blasts Holy at him*
Not all the time, the only reason i was, was because i had a vacation! XD
Kairi- well... if its power of light you want.... *kairi unlocks her pure light on the scene* IM a princess of heart... purest light out there! NOW VANITAS SETIMENT! BRING IT ON! *pulls out a keyblade*
Kairi- Ven! are you alright? *turns to see terra come towards her* Terra.... terra.... its me.... kairi.....
Kairi- TERRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Van! *looks at terra* terra.......
Kairi- Van stop playing games and show yourself! Fight like a man... not a scared school girl!
Kairi- Terra! Ven! *looks around the room* Well.... this sucks! *charges for Van in the next room**Blasts zombies with HoLY*
nah its fine.... just as long as you dont stalk me! XD its Brooke.
Kairi- *blasts zombies with HOLY* terra, do you ever think! *Shoots another round of Holy*
and you want to know mine?
Kairi- Terra! *grabs terra* what do you think your doing? Are you nuts! and you call me crazy!
yes and thank the lord! or me and you wouldn't know the other existed!
Kairi- What, oh the bazooka? thats for Vans face. *pulls out and M-16* and this is for if he chooses to move! *Busts through lv 35*
YES! thank you person who invented the internet! even though your dead......
Kairi- so Ven you in? From what Van is shouting about up there, you seem to have a good nack at fighting! *pats Ven on the back*
You an't kidd'n!!!!!
Kairi- ... :nerve: :bangbang: :guns4: Thats it! *kairi brings out a bazooka*
Thats kinda cool! i live in Chicago, IL! So im really really really far away from you!
Kairi- Who is this 5 you keep talking about? i only see Van!
OH! i see. so if u where to cross over into america, which state would you hit?