Kairi- *sends a barrier to block Aqua* Aqua! (ouch! my dummy side)
Kairi- *holds on to terra* (i hope your right)
So where did you go?
Kairi- yah.... but what about your.... darkness?
oh! sorry! XD
Kairi- Terra.... we have to go save Aqua..... but we have to get rid of the darkness of yours. Can you think of anyway of doing that?
Kairi- *kicks the cage* ouch! dang that was my foot! Van.... what are you going to do with me in a cage? *whispers to terra* are you alright?
Can i be Naruto?
Kairi-TERRA! *cries* dummy... use your keyblade!
Kairi- Terra?? (is he crying...) *kairi gets up painfully* terra....*hugs terra from behind*
Kairi- huh? (now he's gone mad!)
Kairi- *shoots a look to Aqua asking if she is alright* *looks up at Terra* if.... your going to kill me.... might want to make it fast.......... tsk! (my side!) Terra.... i know you can hear me...... im sorry.... t-that i couldn't save you.....
Kairi- Terra! you have to snap out of this! *looks up at Aqua* you pretty much caught up? *tries to stand up* Ouch!
Kairi- *falls on the floor* *cries* ouch! *holds her side* (i think i broke a rib....) Wait thats it! HEy van! you forgot that Kingdom Hearts is LIGHT not darkness!
Kairi- *blocks his attacks* (what now! Terra is not listening... ven is gone.... and Aqua is no where to be seen...) *she starts to cry while she blocks* *whispers to self* Terra.... come back....
now why is he doing that? and how?
you asked if i was always on... and i said no! XD
Kairi- you mean the x-blade! (but he needs ven for that....)
Hey! im good, hbu?
Kairi- *huff huff* I can still fight..... *huff huff* sure.... i do wish sora was here...... *huff huff* but im..... not giving up! *uses X-potion* Now! time to amp up my power! * uses Valor form*