I like Kairi, Naminé and Yuffie. They're so awesome!
My favourite moment was in Peter Pan's world, when Peter Pan was imatating Smee to fool Captain Hook.
I know he killed himself, but for a good reason: to give Kairi's heart back.
Hell no! He's not an idiot. He's just a kid. Sometimes he's smart, sometimes he doesn't know what he's going to do next.
I have lots of funny scenes! Run run away! Sora: Okay? Goofy: You know, that hurt very well. Then Donald gets mad and attacks Goofy's leg Goofy: That hurt too! Donald: Don't you ever do that to me again. When Sora thinks he got away from Hades, but Hades was there. Hades: Leaving so soon?
I'll say either King Mickey or Roxas.
I think Axel is 25 or 26 years old, at least this is what I think.
Cloud: I'll get him. Cloud: I'll get pants.
Proud mode is the only one I didn't try yet, I rocked on Begginer and Standard mode.
I have 4: Roxas, Axel, Xaldin and Marluxia.
I would put this name: Xialde
Never liked Xemnas. He's so evil. I never liked him.
I like most Nike. They're the best.
Cool! Never saw that Roxas vs Riku video before.
My birthday is on October 17th.